Danail Kirilov also resigned as MP – Politika


Parliament will begin work with the termination of the powers of Danail KirilovDanail KirilovDanail Kirilov was born on June 25, 1970 in Dimitrovgrad. He received his higher education at the University of Sofia “St. As a member of Parliament, he anticipates the draft program of the National Assembly for this week.

Last week, Kirilov was fired as justice minister and was due to return to his post in the GERB group. However, he resigned as a deputy, according to the draft program of the parliament.

Termination of your powers is the first item on the proposed agenda for tomorrow’s meeting.

Danail Kirilov passed the baton to Desislava Akhladova

On Friday, the deputies are expected to discuss changes in the Budget Law of the National Health Insurance Fund / NHIF / for 2020 and in the State Social Security Budget Law / SSS / for this year.

The draft program includes draft decisions on changes in the parliamentary committees and delegations, including the composition of the Temporary Committee on the occasion of the acquisition by the Bulgarian Development Bank AD of 28,265,200 shares of the capital of First Investment Bank AD . Also included is the ratification of the voluntary guarantee agreement between the European Commission and the Republic of Bulgaria within the framework of the European SURE instrument for temporary support in order to mitigate the risks of unemployment in exceptional circumstances after the COVID-19 outbreak. The deputies are expected to discuss the amendments to the Preschool and School Education Law at second reading.

On Thursday, the parliament will consider a draft decision to award state monetary awards for special services to the Bulgarian state and nation, as well as a draft law for the withdrawal of the reserve, drawn up by the Republic of Bulgaria under art. 31 of the Convention on the Status of Stateless Persons, adopted in New York on September 28, 1954. The draft agenda also includes the second reading of a bill implementing the EU Regulation on trade in certain goods that could be used for the purpose of applying the death penalty, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. On Thursday, MPs will discuss changes to the Bulgarian Personal Documents Law at first reading.

On Friday, after the first reading of the changes in the budgets of the National Health Insurance Fund and the Social Security Fund for 2020, a regular parliamentary control is planned.
