Crabs with excellent returns, scorpions are tight – Alena’s Daily Horoscope



If you have organized a business meeting and you are worried, I assure you that it will be successful. Talk to your loved ones if you intend to pay off a loan this week or next. Despite the difficulties, preliminary conversations with your friends about lending to your business will be successful. Take care and caution when dealing with loved ones. Don’t touch their ambition, don’t provoke their jealousy. Don’t forget to experience unforgettable intimate moments and sexual pleasures.


Rather than stubborn, take on the household responsibilities you’ve been neglecting lately. Trust your intuition when dealing with family members and your claims to share property. Meet with your business partners. In the afternoon, don’t make an appointment for a business meeting if you don’t feel prepared. Relationships with her intimate partner are still on the verge of freezing, but she has a chance to fix them whenever she decides not to part. Of course, there is also a lack of harmony in your sex life.


On this day, you will expect so much success that your bosses will envy you well, but this envy should not bother you, because it will be good for you and your colleagues. Their efforts generate good income, and many of their colleagues are involved in their implementation. Complete all your arrears during the day. It’s time to end an old love story that creates problems for you in your family life and can ruin your marriage. Avoid accidental sexual intercourse because you will be surprised after an unwanted moment of pregnancy.


Don’t worry if you have problems at work. They are not related to you, but you can help your colleagues. Working with them brings you total success and great income. Be careful with your companions. The more attractive your new commercial offers, the more careful you must be. Do not sign financial documents. Unfortunately, it will convey your professional problems into your personal life and make your loved one nervous. Do not be angry if they are in a bad mood and are not willing to respond to your sexual pleasure proposal.

The lion

Share your concerns about new business collaboration opportunities with your colleagues. If you are in a management position, it is a good idea to give them up if they are offered today. Expect professional setbacks that lead to depressive states and pessimism. You are in a bad mood and low self-esteem. Do not assault loved ones, especially if the cause is in your workplace and nervous tension. Settle into the night and stay home. Create a pleasant atmosphere and enjoy a pleasant intimate experience.


It won’t be easy for you. To his surprise, difficulties will unexpectedly crash into his head. You have the skills and the knowledge and will overcome them, but it will take a lot of effort. Be analytical and honest with yourself. Admit your mistakes. Continue your routine professional tasks, although not particularly enjoyable. At night, you can go with friends, if you are also healthy, and create pleasant emotions in the family, without overwhelming yourself with the kitchen. Then, enjoy romantic moments and sexual pleasures.


Be honest in your work relationships. Expect sudden and tempting deals. You will reject your assignments at the end of the business day. Then enjoy the entertainment. You will make a mistake if, without consulting, you accept your proposal to change your job. Beware of a charming person who is trying to sneak in and push you into your life and destroy your marriage. You lack harmony in sexual relations and he has noticed. It is up to you to restore it instead of cheating.


Today you are tense and success can leave you. Today, it is to your advantage to extract useful information from colleagues and friends that you need at work. You will achieve your goals if you are not angry because you are slowing down your professional tasks. The day is favorable for marriage. Consider harmonizing pre-existing family relationships. Even if your halves offend you, find the strength in yourself to forgive them. Sex will help you.


Although difficulties are easily overcome, you are concerned about wasting your time on activities you did not plan. Be careful of the negative impact on your colleague that intentionally hurts you. Reject investment proposals for which you do not have sufficient funds. Give yourself a well-deserved rest at night. There may be complaints in the family. Watch out for new contacts and traps as they will reveal to you right away. Single women expect marriage and sexual experiences. In childless families, the dream child may appear.


Do not hold a grudge against your colleagues, although it is difficult to refrain from criticism. In the afternoon, start signing financial documents. Progress in your work will also guarantee you additional income. Your main business partners will value your work. Single women shouldn’t expect new dates to turn into a serious intimate relationship. Better wait. Married women can enjoy their feelings, and lovers may not be tempted by sex proposals with strangers.


You are aggressive, emotional and irritable from the morning. Be careful not to ruin your mood. Good luck with your responsibilities. Get professional success only if you trust your abilities and don’t make unnecessary claims on the world. Strong emotions due to the intrigue caused by your jealousy will become the cause of problems in the family and with the intimate partner. Forget about your sexual fantasies. Tonight you will not be desired by your intimate companions.


Avoid dating that will not only be inappropriate but will also hurt you. In the workplace, he manages his work tasks as always and on time. Don’t risk conversations and investment promises, and don’t get involved in projects that aren’t relevant to your business! In the evening, take a well-deserved rest in the company of your loved one or spouse and your family. Even tonight, sex will energize you, especially if your feelings are shared and you have achieved harmony in intimate moments.
