COVID measures have sparked resistance in Europe, if Christmas is canceled – Issues in development


IN A wave of new restrictive measures on Kovid sparked protests across Europe, while a right-wing British politician who made a significant contribution to the Brexit referendum roared with popular anger against the new shutdown, reformatting his Brexit Party under a new label.

The UK, which has the highest official number of COVID-19 victims in Europe, is struggling to deal with more than 20,000 new coronavirus cases a day, and scientists have warned that the “worst case scenario” is 80,000. The dead could be overcome, write Guy Falkenbridge and Richard Loch for Reuters.

Called by his supporters the godfather of the movement to exit the European Union, the founder of the Brexit Party

Nigel Farage said that by instilling fear, Prime Minister Boris Johnson had forced the British to submit to the new closure of the country.

“The most pressing issue is the government’s terrible response to the (coronavirus crisis),” Brexit and Farage Party Chairman Richard Theis wrote in a joint article in the Daily Telegraph, announcing the creation of the new party. from Farage “Reform of the United Kingdom”.

“Ministers have totally lost contact with the nation, and it has split into scared and angry people. The debate on how to respond to (the crisis with) Kovid is becoming more toxic than Brexit.”

Rather than shutting down the country entirely, Farage suggested that specific measures be taken to target the population groups most at risk, adding that people should not be punished as criminals just for trying to lead normal lives, such as meeting with his family for Christmas.

Due to the sharp increase in the number of infected, France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, the Netherlands and other countries have announced a new total closure or new strict restrictions.

Small shop owners in France are unhappy that they have been forced to close, while supermarkets may sell “non-essentials” like shoes, clothing, cosmetics and flowers simply because they also sell food.

Source: iStock

Is Christmas canceled?

On Monday, Finance Minister Bruno Le Mer said that French supermarkets would be subject to the same restrictions on the sale of non-essential products, but that store owners had no right to challenge the total closure of the country, which It will enter in vigor. at least until December 1.

“I am not optimistic that in just four weeks we will reduce the number of new cases to the level announced by the president (5,000 new cases per day),” said epidemiologist Dominique Castiliola, head of research at the National Institutes for Health Research.

“We’re going to need more time. I don’t think we can have big family dinners for Christmas. I don’t think it’s very likely.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel last week denounced populists who say the coronavirus is harmless as dangerous and irresponsible.

“During the winter months, we will have to limit our personal contacts,” he told a news conference. “The light at the end of the tunnel is still quite far away.”

On Sunday, police in the Spanish capital Madrid raided 81 illegal parties, 18 of the traditional open-air drinking parties known as Botellones, and 10 bars that violated anti-epidemic measures.

Protests broke out in Italy last week against the new restrictions, and violence was reported in Milan and Turin.

Italy will toughen measures but refrains from a complete shutdown, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said yesterday.

In the last month, the daily number of new coronavirus infections in the country has multiplied by ten.

“This is a colossal failure. The fact that Italy is in the same situation as other European countries does not reassure me at all,” virologist Andrea Chrysanti told Reuters.

“We had five months to strengthen our surveillance, contact and prevention systems, and instead we are heading towards a new closure.”

More than 46.37 million people have been infected worldwide and 1,198,168 have died from respiratory diseases, according to Reuters.

The United States, which today votes in the presidential elections, ranks first in the world with more than 9 million cases and 230,700 victims.

Iran, the Middle East hardest hit by COVID-19, has reported 440 deaths in the past 24 hours.

Global stock markets rebounded from a month lows after good industry data in China and

Europe has been displaced by the news of the restrictive measures, while investors prepare for a new market instability stemming from the US presidential elections.

US President Donald Trump has repeatedly disparaged the virus, mocking Democratic candidate Joe Biden for wearing a mask at his campaign rallies and maintaining social distance, a tactic that mobilizes his hard-line constituency but angers his opponents.

Trump also mocked his top coronavirus adviser, Anthony Fauci, who denied the president’s allegations of a “twist” in America’s fight against the virus.

On Sunday, the United States registered 67,862 new cases, the most reported on the last day of any week.

The average of the last seven days has reached 81,540 newly infected, a new record, and has been increasing for 30 consecutive days.

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