COVID-19 victims: average age 61, most men (overview)


The age of those who lost the battle against the virus in our country is low. PHOTO: Press service of the Council of Ministers

1/4 are in the range of 70-79 years

The 73-year-old champions with 5 deaths.

The average age of victims in our country is low, according to data from the national headquarters.

The average age of Bulgarians who died of coronavirus is just over 61, according to “24 Chasa” calculations based on information from National Operations Headquarters. However, they are approximate, since the headquarters does not always provide complete information about the victims.

The highest number of deaths is in the age group of 70 to 79 years: 22 of the announced total 84 at 8 o’clock in the morning of May 8. The grim classification of five dead is led by the 73-year-old.

The youngest victim of the disease in Bulgaria is a 36-year-old man who died in Sofia on April 7. His condition was complicated by an old lung injury received after a car accident.

After age 40, the risk of complications and death for Bulgarians increases, according to headquarters statistics. 10 of the Bulgarians who died from the coronavirus were between 40 and 49 years old. The oldest victims are 90 years old, according to data from the national operational headquarters.

Most of the victims of COVID-19 are registered in Sofia. 36 of the deaths have been registered in the capital. However, patients from other parts of the country are dying in Sofia hospitals, including the first two victims of the disease, the doctors recalled.

In the 2nd and 3rd

place in

mortality itself


Sliven and


where there are 8 and 7 deaths registered, respectively. Vidin actually has the same number of deaths with Sliven, as the only recorded victim in Vratsa is a man from the nursing home at Oreshets station, who was transferred there for treatment.

31 are women

– victims

of coronavirus in Bulgaria, according to publicly reported data from the headquarters of national operations.

There are 55 men. There may be inaccuracies in these data, because the statistics on cases and deaths from coronavirus in Bulgaria are not official, but are based only on headquarters reports, and do not always contain complete information on the victims: city, gender, age, etc. .

Almost all Bulgarians who died of coronavirus also had concomitant chronic diseases, most often


of the heart of


and diabetes

In the context of unhappy statistics on the low average age of victims, good news came: Secretary of the General Staff, Associate Professor Dimo ​​Dimov, reported Friday 24 hours a day at 8 a.m. without a death by coronavirus.

In reality, the period without the deceased is longer, as the last victim was announced on May 6 at 5 p.m.

Day and night

no sacrifice

Bulgaria no

she had noticed

42 days The last day is at the beginning of the count, on March 27, and until now the victims in our country were only 4.

However, at 5 p.m. Friday, two new deaths were announced: an 84-year-old man in Sofia and a 56-year-old woman in Yambol. The number of infected became 1872.

There was almost a day without a person killed on April 18, according to headquarters data. With four dead

May 4 is the day

with the highest


since March 11, when a 66-year-old woman was declared the first victim of the coronavirus in Bulgaria.

Yambol is asking the doctors for help, cutting the social lives of those who escaped the blockade.


Yambol Mayor Valentin Revanski asked the country’s doctors for help at the local hospital “St. Panteleimon” due to the increasing number of infected. Another 5 patients were registered yesterday, a woman died in the hospital. Three of the New ones are from the Roma district “Raina Knyaginya”, which has been closed since Monday, the other two are English.

“The situation is very difficult, although under control. But if a new influx of patients arrives, the situation will become critical,” said the hospital’s deputy director, Dr. Valentin Valchev. A third coronary ward will be opened in the hospital, after the second ward, which was converted to a pulmonary hospital, is already full. However, doctors are not enough.

56 are infected so far in Yambol, 30 are hospitalized. There was even talk in the city of imposing full quarantine, as in Bansko.

“I do not think it is necessary. The situation is not critical: out of 9 samples in the Roma neighborhood, only 3 are positive. Yambol has enough health professionals, but they are outside the hospital structure and I think it is collegial to help the doctors in “St. Panteleimon, “said regional governor Dimitar Ivanov. Authorities have tightened the blockade of the Roma neighborhood, and now you can only leave with an official note from an employer, a pharmacy or a hospital. However, according to Mayor Valentin Revanski, they must introduce even stricter measures there and ask the national headquarters to give instructions on how to act.

The problem was that some of the people in the Roma neighborhood were undisciplined and irresponsible and difficult to influence. A few days ago, an ambulance had to force a local man to the hospital, who was walking through the streets of the neighborhood with visible symptoms of COVID-19.

The mayor urged the city’s restaurants not to rush to open. A complete list of residents of the closed district of Raina Knyaginya has been released to social services. In the event that any of them is in the city without good reason, they will be deprived of social benefits. The municipal police monitor compliance with quarantine measures.
