Covid-19 vaccination in Bulgaria next year – Topics in development


Vaccination against covid-19 in Bulgaria next year

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“I will insist that the measures remain strong enough to ensure, firstly, reduced pressure on the healthcare system, secondly, effective infection control, and thirdly, healthy Bulgarians.”

This was stated by the Minister of Health Prof. Kostadin Angelov during an inspection of the organization and the way of working of the first temporarily subcontracted specialized office in the country for vaccination against covid-19, located in front of the RHI-Sofia building.

Why Doctors Refuse to Get Vaccinated

The Minister of Health stressed that after the approval of the vaccines, vaccination can begin at the beginning of next year at the earliest, and the state is already prepared for that. Vaccinations will also be administered in hospitals.

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“The state is ready to accept the vaccine with all the logistics that it requires that we create,” Angelov emphasized.

He added that additional mobile teams, specially equipped, will carry out immunizations in the country.

“We will help the public to obtain all the information about vaccines, at the moment the information we have is that there are vaccines that are given twice and there are those that are given once. We don’t have a short description of the product yet, “Angelov said.

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“Until the start of vaccination, we will answer the question of how it will be known who is vaccinated and who is not.”

Initially, medical workers will be vaccinated. So far, about 33% of them have expressed a desire to get vaccinated.

“We are working on creating an informed consent form,” Angelov explained.

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“Those who have suffered from covid-19 can be vaccinated and this will not worsen their health in any way,” said the Minister of Health.

“I am ready to get vaccinated. My husband, who is a doctor, joined the group with the first doctors.”

This was stated by the mayor of Sofia Yordanka Fandakova. He announced that the municipality has prepared 8 teams to help RHI-Sofia in the vaccination process against covid-19. However, these teams will not be medical specialists, but employees of the emergency unit, who will carry out emergency disinfection of the facilities and other similar activities.

“We have expressed our willingness and we have created the necessary organization to help with the logistics. Sofia RHI is the institution that prepares the vaccination of the different groups. What we have done is provide all the logistics,” explained the mayor.

“If necessary, we are also ready to organize ourselves in the DCCs. There is no problem to do that. Let’s see how many people, in which groups will they have this wish,” added Yordanka Fandakova.
