COVID-19, the beginning of the great perestroika – Opinions, accents and comments on hot topics


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In the last few months of last year, there has been mounting speculation that the state of society called Lockdown (business closure and isolation of people in the states) will never end. The World Health Organization and authorities in some countries have suggested that people “for their own safety” “live temporarily in solitary confinement.” However, this temporary incarceration can end up being permanent.

Suspicions in this direction have been heightened by a gentleman named Klaus Schwab, founder and permanent leader of the World Economic Forum, which is held annually (usually in January) in the Swiss city of Davos. However, in January next year the meeting will not be held in Davos, but in Singapore from May 13 to 16, 2021. Next year Klaus Schwab will receive congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the World Economic Forum (originally called the European Forum Management). Schwab is an economist and professor at the University of Geneva. Part-time, he is an honorary professor at many universities, a member of boards of directors and boards of directors at various companies. He has repeatedly participated in the Bilderberg Club meetings as a member of the club’s steering committee.

At the World Economic Forum’s May World Conference (2020), Klaus Schwab, along with Prince Charles, coined the term The Great Reset. The point of this insertion is that capitalism is going through a global crisis and needs to be changed. Even Prince Charles spoke of “responsible capitalism”. The coronavirus pandemic with its lockdown provides a unique opportunity for such a recharge, but as this cannot happen quickly, the lockdown must continue. In early June 2020, a material called The Great Reset appeared on the website of the World Economic Forum. The theme was taken up again in chorus. The participants of this choir were Joe Biden, Boris Johnson and Justin Trudeau. Following the broadcast of Trudeau’s speech, Canadian Conservative MP Pierre Poylevre sent a petition in November asking them to “stop the Big Zero.” The petition collected 80,000 signatures in less than 72 hours.

Opponents of the “Big Zero” have emerged in the United States, Great Britain, and continental Europe. Prince Charles, Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau, as well as Silicon Valley giants Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft, participated in the discussions on Schwab’s side, repeatedly amplifying the sound of this chorus. In November, the New York Times fervently declared the conspiracy theorists of The Great Reset, but it was wrong. The conspirators turned out to be supporters of The Great Reset, although they acted openly. Recall the work of Herbert Wells, The Open Conspiracy. The “Big Zero” is simply an “open conspiracy”. Klaus Schwab is 83 years old, but his activity does not diminish. In July 2020, the book COVID-19: The Great Reset was published, co-authored with Thierry Malreux, who is portrayed as a left-wing futurist. By the end of 2020, the book should be published in German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean. The main ideas in the book about the “Big Zero” are already spreading around the world:

First, the COVID-19 pandemic is a “unique window of opportunity.”

It is through this window that humanity must enter the future. There is no going back to the past! Schwab says: “Many ask when we will return to normal life. The answer is short, never. Our story will be divided into two parts: to the coronavirus and beyond.

Second, a “bright future” is a world in which the differences between rich and poor countries will be eliminated.

and in time, state borders will be destroyed. A new unified planetary state with a unified government will be born. According to Schwab, “the question of world government is at the center of all questions.” He went on to write: “The introduction of confinement strengthens our attachment to our loved ones. We value those we love more: our family and friends. But here the downside lies in the fact that this leads to increased patriotic and national sentiments, along with With bleak religious views and ethnic preferences And this toxic mix awakens the worst in us Schwab makes it clear that war will be declared on “bleak religious views and ethnic preferences.”

Third, the “wonderful new world” economy must be centrally managed by giant monopolies.

Private property will begin to die out and its place will be taken by the “consumer economy” and the “participation economy.” At the same time, concepts like “socialism” and the like are completely avoided. There will be no cash available and digital currency will be introduced everywhere.

Fourth, there will be a transition to green energy, which will replace carbon.

Limits will be introduced for the consumption of water, electricity and certain types of “environmentally dangerous” products, such as meat, or industrial products, such as automobiles. And the most radical means of reducing environmental pollution will be to reduce population growth or even reduce their numbers. Schwab insists that “the greater the population growth, the greater the risk of new pandemics.”

Fifth, robotics will be completed in all spheres of economy and public life.

Drastic job cuts have been discussed many times in The Great Reset, where it says that “by 2035, up to 86% of restaurant jobs, 75% of retail jobs and 59% of jobs can be automated . in the entertainment industries. Up to 75% of restaurants can be ruined by closures and subsequent social distancing measures. No industry, no company will be affected. It is planned to introduce an unconditional basic income for people who will be replaced by robots, but on the condition that their vaccination is officially confirmed.

Sixth, digitization will continue in all areas of the economy and society.

An effective system will be established to monitor the behavior and movement of people, including with the help of facial recognition technologies. Schwab writes: “To end the pandemic, it is necessary to create a global digital control network.”

In seventh place, the new sanitary model provides for periodic tests, mandatory vaccination,

issuance of medical passports, introduction of restrictions and sanctions for persons who violate the rules of medical discipline.

Eighth, man will be “perfected” in the spirit of transhumanism.

And so the objectives of the “Open Conspiracy” were announced. With this support that the “Great Reset” receives from the field of globalism, we can have no doubt that the infamous “pandemic” is the beginning of the operation to move to the “wonderful new world”. Will forces be found capable of opposing the globalist reformers?

Valentin katasonov
