COVID-19 kills male sexual desire


Girls in a Thailand nightclub wait for their customers with helmets due to the coronavirus pandemic. PHOTO: Reuters

The reason is that it reduces the level of testosterone in the body.

Douglas Adler is a physician and professor at the University of Utah. Despite his many years of experience, months ago he faced a rather difficult problem. Your 30-year-old patient complains of constant fatigue and trouble maintaining an erection. They did a series of tests and consultations with other specialists, but found that he did not suffer from any physical or mental illness.

However, Reggie continues to claim that he no longer enjoys anything. “I feel like an 80-year-old man in a 30-year-old body,” he said. Dr. Adler is puzzled by what is happening to him. It begins to review what medications you have been taking in the last year and what has changed in your lifestyle. He discovered that a few months ago he had been prescribed a medicine for hair loss because he discovered that he was beginning to bald.

Examining the possible side effects of the drug in question, the doctor found that most of them matched his patient’s complaints. So he offers to stop drinking it for a while. At first, Reggie strongly objected, having already observed that her hair did not fall out as much. On the other hand, his general condition is deteriorating. He is forced to join an online group of people with similar problems after treatment with the drug in question and eventually agrees to replace it with a weaker one.

“Two weeks later, Reggie saw me again. His mood was better, he had more energy, his libido was coming back, although it wasn’t as fast as he would like,” Adler said. According to him, what happened to his patient was may be explained by the way such drugs act on hormones. For example, testosterone, which helps men build muscle and have a healthy sex drive, also leads to hair loss in some genetically susceptible people. In this process, the drugs in question suppress the conversion of testosterone to its more powerful cousin, dihydrotestosterone, which causes baldness.

The incident with Reggie is another medical warning about how fragile the hormonal balance is, and how disturbing it can have dangerous and long-lasting consequences if quick action is not taken. And the factors that make this happen are too many and much more common than the use of an anti-hair loss product. These include obesity, chronic liver and pituitary problems, diabetes, testicular lesions, or tumors.

Recently, Turkish scientists added the coronavirus to potential libido killers. The Mersin University team studied 232 men who became infected with COVID-19. They were divided into three groups according to the severity of their illness. In 51% of those who had to be treated in hospital, hypogonadism was found, a condition in which the body does not produce enough testosterone. Its level was on average 30 percent lower and, in some cases, reached unhealthy levels. The researchers believe that this is related to the coronavirus, especially since during their study they were able to find that the more severe the condition of the patients, the lower the average level of testosterone in the blood. And even 65% of those infected who did not have the typical symptoms of the disease also complained of decreased libido.

According to Professor Selahitin Chayan, who led the study, the results could be a good starting point to develop a method to treat the coronavirus with testosterone, since this hormone is related not only to sexual function but also to immunity and when their quantity decreases, the risk of respiratory infections increases. For this reason, he advises doing hormonal tests to people infected with COVID-19.

In men with low levels of sex hormones, testosterone treatment can improve the chances of a full recovery, explains Professor Chayan.

Furthermore, German scientists from the Hamburg-Eppendorf Medical Center have previously found that stronger sex with low testosterone levels have a higher risk of death after coronavirus infection. Their study involved 35 men and 10 women, and 68 percent of those who had to be placed in intensive care found a drop in sex hormones.

For this reason, it is a good idea to start following some things that are known to be related to testosterone. First of all, they are overweight, because in obese men the hormonal level is lower. You need to download them.

Avoid sugary foods and eat foods rich in zinc like wheat bran, sunflower sprouts, and pumpkin. Zinc can also be taken in pill form, as well as vitamin D, which improves sperm quality. However, it is much better to do it through outdoor sports and workouts such as push-ups and weight lifting. All physical activity raises testosterone levels, but to help your body produce it normally, you need regular strength training, especially if you are in your 30s, when this process begins to slow down.

It is necessary to reduce stress and increase sleep, as the concentration of testosterone in men has been found to be highest immediately after waking up, which explains their desire for morning sex. If you’ve lost it, it’s okay to check what’s going on with your hormones, because, as it turned out, other things depend on them.
