COVID-19 killed a second teacher in Shumen in just one week


A professor from the Higher Technical School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy has died in the hospital due to complications from COVID-19, the professor’s colleagues announced, reports “Monitor”.

Mathematician Ivelina Todorcheva is the second victim of the coronavirus among teachers this week. Six days ago, the epidemic killed Lyudmila Ivanova, from the Assen Zlatarov Professional School of Catering and Chemical Technologies.

The principal of the construction secondary school, Borislav Panayotov, explained that Todorcheva had not been working since October 19. He was admitted to the hospital a week ago. The woman taught math and information technology.

Two other teachers on the PGSAG team tested positive for COVID-19, but were not hospitalized.

The hospital and the RHI do not have statistics on the number of patients in jobs and professions, but according to the teachers themselves, the coronavirus spreads in their environments at an accelerated rate, those infected, which have been heard to have positive results, are greater than 25, but the actual number is probably much higher.
