COVID-19 in several more schools will offer an emergency situation for December (OVERVIEW)


Another two months of emergency epidemic. The proposal is from the Chief State Health Inspector, Angel Kunchev. According to him, our country should remain in that regime until the end of November. The decision to do so will depend on the government. Meanwhile, more schools in the country have been quarantined for the coronavirus.

Kunchev will request an extension of the state of emergency for two months

Angel Kunchev will suggest to the cabinet that we stay longer in an epidemic emergency situation with several arguments.

“It would be better this time to have 2 months.” What we expect is not optimistic at all for three reasons: of course, the start of schools, which create additional risks, but especially the beginning of the wave in southern Europe and the possibility to join other respiratory viruses. ”However, the Chief Inspector of Health of the State ruled out the possibility of tightening the measures.

Dr. Simidchiev: Schools will become a transmitter of the infection

This situation allows us to react appropriately and does not automatically mean that new measures will be introduced. We will hardly ever go back to these measures to limit cities, unless there is an extreme situation like in Israel, where there is an increase in morbidity, ”said Adjunct Professor Kunchev.

The health inspector warned that an increase in school infections is expected soon. Pulmonologist Alexander Simidchiev also hopes the infection will spread.

Yambol and Shumen teachers testing positive for COVID-19

“The tests have dropped slightly, but the number of positives will increase, because here we are no longer talking about healthy people traveling to Greece, but about test contacts. However, the number of hospitalized will not increase, because the children are slightly ill, “he said on the air of” Hello, Bulgaria. “However, he insists that schools will not become incubators. And one way to limit the infection is Wear a mask, which is why the recommendation is to wear a mask when children meet adults.

And in the country, new cases of coronavirus have been reported in schools. A teacher from Shumen tested positive. A class in Plovdiv was also quarantined after a third grader was infected. The same will happen with a class in Haskovo. In Burgas, an eighth-grade student from computer programming high school also has COVID-19. The girl has no symptoms. However, one of the parents also tested positive. Starting today, the whole class moves on to e-education.


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