COVID-19 FIRE: How were entire families infected in the town of Osina?


The coronavirus also reached the town of Osina, Satovcha municipality. 23 of the locals are infected and voices are already being heard that the settlement will be quarantined. The RHI announced that at this stage it is not necessary to close the town.

The town of Osina is divided between the great desire of the local authorities to declare complete quarantine and the mathematical model, which does not allow the RHI to close the town completely, since the number of infected is not large enough. In the afternoon, new tests will be carried out, from which it will be clear if there are new infected.

Outbreak: for now, the town of Osina will not be closed

For now, the people of Osina do not agree to quarantine the village. They say that if the exit ban is lifted, they will be left without medical attention, because they don’t have a pharmacy and a personal doctor nearby. But according to local authorities, only the full quarantine will limit the infection.

At this stage, COVID-19 is believed to have been transferred to the village of Satovcha by a woman who was a patient at St. Ivan Rilski Hospital in Sofia and then died in Osina. “This version is interpreted by RHI-Blagoevgrad. We hear his words. This is the mood of the villagers. But these are only assumptions, because the woman was returned to Osina, died and was buried without examination.” Mayor Slavcho Hadjiev explained.

The others infected in the town, however, are relatives or neighbors of the deceased. Among them is a nurse who took care of her. There was also a gathering of people at the woman’s funeral, which were dispersed by the mayor. Locals believe this is when the massive infection started.

And local authorities believe quarantine is the best way to limit the spread of the infection. “Even when the first three cases appeared, it was concluded that they would not be the only ones left. Then, through RHI-Blagoevgrad, I insisted that the village be quarantined. To date, we can see what the situation is. And Yesterday I spoke with the district governor, with RHI Blagoevgrad, with the headquarters, insisting on a possible quarantine. We saw how small the world is and how big the virus is, “said Arben Mimenov, mayor of Satovcha. All the measures prescribed by the health authorities have been taken. The inhabitants of the town are more than 650, but they also visit the surrounding settlements.

RHI – Blagoevgrad insists that the Osina infection was transmitted by a woman with cancer who was treated at St. Ivan Rilski Hospital. Later he died, however, the Sofia hospital completely rejected such a claim and demanded an immediate apology from the health services in Blagoevgrad.

A new outbreak of coronavirus in our country, the infected are already 1955

“Currently, the confirmed cases in the municipality are 23. Five of those infected are hospitalized. The rest are in quarantine without symptoms, monitored by the Interior Ministry,” explained the director of RHI-Blagoevgrad Kaloyan Kaloyanov.

In the afternoon, a team from the Regional Health Inspectorate arrived to take samples from suspects. “Compared to other villages, the situation here is not a happy one. We took two contact samples. Chances are that tomorrow or another day at the latest we will receive results,” explained Dr. Tatiana Dzhupanova of RHI – Blagoevgrad. Disinfection also started at Osina.

In the Blagoevgrad municipality there are other cases of people infected with coronaviruses who have previously visited a hospital in Sofia.
