Covid-19: Europe most affected, new drastic limitations – Topics in development


1,303,783 people have died worldwide as a result of complications from coronavirus infection, according to AFP estimates based on data from national authorities. There have been 53,380,442 cases of the new coronavirus worldwide since the start of the pandemic.

With 284,000 new cases per day, Europe remains the region with the strongest progression of the infection, although there is a stabilization of new infections.

As the epidemic progresses, several European countries are introducing new restrictions. Ukraine closes small goods stores for three weekends, Greece closes primary schools and kindergartens at the end of the month, Portugal introduces a weekend curfew starting today. Austria today announced a full national quarantine.

The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus infection in Germany per day is 22,461 for a total of 775,556 since the beginning of the epidemic in the country, according to the Robert Koch Institute. 178 people have died in the last 24 hours from complications of the infection, and a total of 12,379 people have died since the start of the pandemic.

France We will have to live with the virus for a long time, French Prime Minister Jean Castex warned today, saying he was preparing rules for the country until the Covid-19 vaccine arrived. “One thing is for sure: parties and family gatherings in the banquet halls will not be renewed for a long time. Also, bars and restaurants that are part of the severe infection sites will not be able to open from December 1, to Unlike toy stores, for example, “Castex told Le Monde.

In the coming months, teleworking must continue based on a balance that companies must find.

In the country, 43,892 people have died from Kovid-19 since the beginning of the epidemic.

IN Austria The government announced today new drastic measures due to the explosion of the number of new infected. A new shutdown will go into effect at midnight Monday versus Tuesday, Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said at a news conference broadcast live on television.

The new thing is that it is forbidden to leave the houses during the day. An exception is made for essential purchases, including medications, for short walks or individual sports.

The retail network will be closed, except for grocery stores, pharmacies, drug stores, banks and post offices. Schools and kindergartens are also closed until December 6. Students will move on to online learning. For all families in which it is impossible for parents to work from home, childcare will be provided in schools and kindergartens, not including school activities.

The pandemic is already spreading diffusely, the chancellor said, and 77 percent of those infected cannot trace the path of infection. In some of the Austrian provinces, the number of new infections is growing explosively, despite the partial closure imposed on November 3.

The new phase clearly regulates social contacts. In addition to living in the same home, contact with loved ones, such as a family member, is allowed. Kurz called for compliance: “every social contact is more,” he said.

The government provides compensatory aid to all companies that are forced to close to limit the pandemic.

The authorities in Greece announced today the closure of nurseries and kindergartens and elementary schools at the end of November, tightening quarantine measures in the country following a surge in coronavirus cases, Reuters reported.

Greece has fared better than many other European countries in the fight against the coronavirus, mainly due to the first national quarantine measures a few weeks after the outbreak of the February pandemic. The gradual increase in Kovid-19 cases since the beginning of October has prompted authorities to reintroduce restrictions and introduce a second national quarantine, which expires at the end of November and includes a curfew from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.

Today, the government stepped up the measures even further, closing primary schools, kindergartens and kindergartens from Monday for two weeks until the end of the quarantine period. Distance education has already been introduced in the country’s secondary schools and universities.

Education Minister Niki Kerameos clarified today at a press conference how she will carry out distance learning for primary school students. In the first place, the second channel of the state television ERT-2 will start the transmission of television lessons for elementary school students from Monday at 09:00 am. After that, distance learning via computers will start on Wednesday, which will be mandatory. Each lesson will last 30 minutes. Lessons for primary school students will be from 2 pm to 5 pm, and for kindergarten children, from 2 pm to 4:20 pm. The second half of the day was chosen for primary school students, so that during the first half of the day distance learning for middle and high school students, which began on November 7, and working parents could be used. from home. This will allow the load to be distributed over the internet. The connection to the platforms of the Ministry of Education will be free and providers will not report internet spending in the accounts sent.

Kerameos clarified that the transfer of students from primary schools to distance education is purely prophylactic. She said that the measure was adopted not because of the epidemiological situation in the schools themselves, in which, according to her, there is no tendency to spread the virus, but rather aims to more actively reduce the movement of adults.

Ukraine registered 12,524 new cases of coronavirus infection in the last 24 hours. The total number of confirmed cases of infection in the country since the beginning of the epidemic is 525,176, Reuters reported.

Due to the increase in infection cases, the authorities have introduced the quarantine, but the administration of some cities said they would ignore this order in an attempt to prevent the deterioration of the economic situation in the regions of Ukraine.

Russia reported 22,702 cases of coronavirus infection in the last 24 hours for a total of 1,903,253 since the start of the epidemic in the country, Reuters reported. 391 people died from complications in the last 24 hours for a total of 32,834 people.

Slovakia it will now require people entering the country from most EU member states to submit a negative PCR test. The rule takes effect on Monday, DPA reported. The test should be done no more than 72 hours before. The rule applies to passengers from all EU member states, except Finland and Greece, which are on Slovakia’s list of low-risk countries. There are also exceptions to the requirement, which will apply to professional athletes, students and workers traveling from a neighboring country whose place of work and residence is no more than 30 km from the border crossing.

Italy recorded a record 40,902 new coronavirus cases per day on Friday. Complications from the infection have killed 550 people a day, up from 636 deaths Thursday. There have been 1,107,000 cases of infection in Italy since the start of the pandemic, with a total of 44,139 deaths. The northern region of Lombardy, with 10,634 new infected, continues to be the most affected, compared to 9,291 yesterday.

Restrictions aimed at slowing the growth of people infected with coronavirus will also cover Italian areas. On Sunday, Tuscany and Campania will be declared high-risk “red zones”, the Health Ministry said.

In an attempt to curb the spread of the infection, the Italian government introduced a three-tier system last week, with various restrictions. Initially, four regions were located in the red zone, two in the orange zone and the rest in the yellow zone, which has a moderate risk. This week, the zoning was significantly revised, after evaluating the latest data, including the growth of new cases in places and the percentage of hospital beds. On Sunday, Tuscany and Campania will be added to the red list, which already includes the rich northern regions of Lombardy, Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta, the province of Bolzano (in the Trentino-Alto Adige region) (South Tyrol) and the southern region of Calabria.

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