“Countries like Bulgaria will certainly be affected by a second wave”, says the Bulgarian doctor in New York – Topics in development


IN The New York crisis started very quickly. Hospitals filled up in no time and many wards were converted to intensive care units. We stack respirators and all kinds of equipment. Every day more and more patients came. We study the virus on the go. We tried to separate COVID-19 patients in the emergency department. But we fail. We all treated in one place, and the sick were separated only by screens. This required rapid intubation of any patient who could not breathe, because we feared that if we left him with an oxygen mask, he could infect others. “

The Ministry of Health authorized two drugs for the treatment of COVID-19.

“And then came the refrigerated trucks”

This is what Dr. Alexander Latev, who has lived in the United States since he was 14, told Deutsche Welle. He specializes in “Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care”, during the peak of the epidemic he was on duty in the intensive care units of two hospitals in New York.

He says working with the critically ill doesn’t scare him, because more than once he has gunned down, poisoned, victims of serious accidents. But KOVID-19 treatment became a huge challenge for him and his colleagues due to the large number of patients who “came literally one after another and in a very serious condition.” In addition to the lack of resources, from protective masks to doctors.

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“As a habit of a critical patient, you press the panic button to gather colleagues and help. But these days they didn’t come because they were rescuing another at the same time. You are left alone. There were days when patients were literally scattered throughout the room”. attached to the respirators, and we ran among them in protective clothing and tried to save them. “

Dr. Latev says that sometimes a doctor treats more than 40 patients for breath control. And this is almost impossible, because the indicators are monitored every four hours and the parameters of the respiratory system often change every hour. “The treatment is strictly individual for each of these 40 intubated people. You don’t even have time to drink water, because changing clothes takes a long time. So while you surround all the patients, it is the turn of the person you started with. ” colleagues who are not resuscitators. They were studying right now. However, we were unable to carry all the sick. And very soon refrigerated trucks for the dead appeared. “

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In the intensive care unit, where Dr. Latev works with infected people, he had to “assemble” respirators when the devices were not enough. “You cut and paste to assemble a device. But while it may sound ugly when you look at a patient, you can quickly assess their chances of survival, and based on that you have to decide who to intubate. Another type is classification.” According to the protocol, it is difficult to choose who will have the opportunity to live, but it is necessary because some of the medicines are very expensive and not enough, but how to choose between two 30-year-old people without chronic disease. diseases?

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“We still don’t know anything about the coronavirus”

Seeing a patient with a coronavirus cured is like a party, says Dr. Latev, adding: “This joy is understandable because we treat them for weeks and stick with them. When we discharge or remove a patient, the hospital plays the song “New York, New York” Everyone knows that somewhere in the intensive care unit of the 15-story building there is a man who has recovered from a coronavirus. The contrast with the refrigerator truck for the dead is very high ” .

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According to Dr. Latev, the crisis in New York is gradually diminishing because many people have already become ill, and social distancing and wearing of masks are paying off. “But we should not forget for a moment that we still don’t know anything about the virus. The medications we give do not help much. Except for one that reduces treatment time but does not affect mortality. From a medical point of view, this means that the virus is still incurable. “

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Regarding the spread of the coronavirus in Bulgaria, Dr. Latev believes that countries where there were not many cases of the first wave will certainly be affected by the second. “This wave will actually be the first for them and therefore the measures must be observed. I am not entirely sure that the health system in Bulgaria can cope with what hit us, because only a few hospitals in the country have what it takes to fight them. ” COVID-19, “says the doctor.

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