Coronavirus worldwide: after 5,500 cases a day, Israel closes schools (chronology) – World


Madrid will introduce selective quarantine in some areas with a higher prevalence of the new coronavirus, local health authorities said today, cited by the Associated Press.

Measures in the Spanish capital, including restrictions on movement, are likely to affect working-class neighborhoods in the south, where the number of infected has continued to rise since last month, said Antonio Zapatero, deputy director of the regional health service, in Press conference.

“Madrid wants to level the curve before the start of autumn and the complications that the cold can bring,” Zapatero said, adding that the decision on the parameters of the next “drastic measures” will be taken over the weekend.

The health inspector said people neglected precautions when organizing large gatherings, often forgetting about physical distance and wearing a mask. The police will monitor compliance with mandatory self-isolation, he stressed.
