Coronavirus in Bulgaria: Most vaccines are manufactured in Sofia and Plovdiv – Bulgaria


Coronavirus in Bulgaria: Most vaccines are manufactured in Sofia and Plovdiv

© Julia Lazarova

The municipal councilors who were vaccinated in Sandanski appeared at the last minute so as not to throw away the last doses of the drug; this explanation was given to BNT by the director of the “Southwestern Hospital” in Blagoevgrad Iliya Tonev, after it was discovered in the posts on social networks. that the counselors had been immunized, although currently, under the government’s vaccination plan, only front-line medical professionals and pharmacists have the right to do so.

Yesterday, Health Minister Kostadin Angelov announced on Facebook after checking the case that the vaccination order was violated and that explanations are expected today from the responsible institutions, after which sanctions will be imposed.

According to Iliya Tonev, the vaccines remained after about 30 percent of the doctors at the hospital refused to vaccinate due to “reservations for the Pfizer vaccine. He specified that the preliminary list sent to authorities contained the names of 110 willing people. to be vaccinated “, approximately. Thirty of them surrendered at the last minute and the hospital used them after none of the others on the front lines wanted to receive the drug.

“I’m not sorry, I think it is wrong to throw away drugs that can help many people in the fight against the coronavirus,” Tonev said.

At the same time, the Blagoevgrad Regional School of Medicine raised a position calling what happened in Blagoevgrad “inadmissible”. The President of the College Dra. Dafina Tachova. He believes that if the case of the vaccine in Sandanski is repeated, it will cause chaos. The president of the council, Dafina Tachova, believes that in this case an option should have been sought in which the vaccines reached the first-line doctors. “There are many doctors and medical personnel who want to get vaccinated,” Tachova said, quoted by BNR.
