Coronavirus in Bulgaria: country closes for the third time, vaccination renewed (timeline) – Bulgaria


Since Monday, strict restrictions imposed by the spread of the coronavirus across the country have been imposed, Health Minister Kostadin Angelov said today. For now, they are introduced in 10 days. “This is the minimum time to see if there will be a result,” explained the minister.

Catering and entertainment establishments will be closed nationwide starting Monday, and only food and home deliveries will be allowed. In hotels, meals must be provided in the rooms.

Coronavirus in Bulgaria: Country closes for the third time, vaccination is renewed (timeline)

Points of sale with a surface area of ​​more than 300 square meters are being closed, with the exception of food.

It is also forbidden to visit gyms, shopping centers, kindergartens and nurseries, and all pupils and students go to distance education. All outdoor and indoor social and cultural events stop.

Private gatherings are also prohibited. In bazaars and markets there must be distance and movement in one direction.

“At the end of the day, the order will be issued with the specific restrictions and all texts will be clarified. Before that, we will speak with all the ministers and with each branch,” Angelov added.

See all known restrictions here
