CNN: China has withheld data on coronavirus outbreak and scale


A text with shocking conclusions on how the coronary crisis in China has been hidden since the beginning of the pandemic was published today by CNN, reported Nova tv.

Leaked documents from China’s Hubei province show that China has declared fewer coronavirus infections; that it took weeks to diagnose the new cases and that it did not inform the public about the peak of the Hubei flu season last December. This coincides with the time when the first coronavirus cases were suspected to actually appear in China, writes CNN.

IN report entitled “Internal document. Confidential”, local health authorities in Hubei province, where the virus was first detected, announced a total of 5,918 newly discovered cases on February 10, more than double the official public number of confirmed cases. This figure was not released at the time, and China appears to have presented the data in a way that minimizes the severity of the epidemic.

The previously unknown figure is part of a series of 117-page revelations of leaked documents from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Hubei, which he owns and whose authenticity has been confirmed by CNN.

China has vehemently denied the accusations by the United States and other Western governments.who deliberately withheld information about the virus, claiming to have been honest with the world from its inception. Although the documents do not provide evidence of a deliberate attempt to conceal the findings, they reveal a number of inconsistencies in what authorities knew and what was disclosed to the public.

The documents, which cover the incomplete period between October 2019 and April this year, point to a rigid healthcare system constrained by bureaucracy and top-down procedures that were not adequate to deal with the crisis. Several critical documents in the early stages of the pandemic provide clear evidence and point to a pattern of institutional deficiencies.

Documents show that local health officials relied on flawed evidence and notification mechanisms for new cases.

The document-based report from early March shows that the mean time between the appearance of symptoms and the confirmed diagnosis was 23.3 days. Experts told CNN that this makes it much more difficult to control and combat the disease.

Health experts say the documents clearly show that China knew all about the viral epidemic in the first few months.

“It is clear that they have made bureaucratic and politically motivated mistakes in the way the epidemic has been approached,” said Yanzhong Huang, a health expert at the Council on Foreign Affairs, who wrote in detail on public health in China. “This has had global consequences,” he added.

The documents were provided to CNN by a person who requested to remain anonymous. The man said he worked in the Chinese healthcare system and was motivated to expose the truth that has been censored. The documents were verified by six independent experts to verify the authenticity of the content. They show a wide range of data for two specific days, February 10 and March 7, which are significantly different from what China has publicly stated at the time. On February 10, when the Celestial Empire reported 2,478 new confirmed cases across the country, documents show that a total of 5,918 new reported cases were declared in Hubei. According to the report, there are 2,345 “confirmed cases”, 1,772 “clinically diagnosed cases” and 1,796 “suspected cases”.

From all this it can be concluded that the world has received more optimistic data from China than the real ones.
