Churches Remain Open For Easter Despite Maximum Coronavirus Forecasts


Despite forecasts from the National Operations Headquarters that the peak of the coronavirus in Bulgaria will be around Easter, the churches remain open.

There has been serious criticism in recent days that the upcoming worship services and gathering of people may lead to the spread of the coronavirus, and more serious action must be taken than originally anticipated. In some countries it has been decided to significantly tighten the holiday regime. The Greek government has already decided that the Easter liturgies be held in private and broadcast online on social media. Prime Minister Boyko Borisov emphasized that he was aware of these measures, but “I will bear the reproach and punishment if we are not right with the bishops and the patriarch.” However, there will be additional restrictions: willow branches will not be given to churches.

“God’s punishment will surely reach anyone who is not a believer. We have created the entire organization with all measures. And there will be no greater group than in the street. You want us to close the doors and expel the priests. But, there are many people for whom this vacation is everything and it is vital for them to be in church. Therefore I cannot do it. From Ottoman slavery the Church has saved us. With discipline we can do everything. It is up to us. But I cannot use the police and the sticks. close the churches “, the prime minister said after meeting with the holy synod, in which he demanded stricter measures.

It was decided that the churches would not be closed, although last week the Prime Minister himself announced that “perhaps in two weeks (note that it is Easter) we will be in hell.” On Thursday, the prime minister said the peak was expected “within 10-15 days” and still called for the church to be attended for Easter only for people who really felt the need to do so. “Coming to those for whom the need to go is greater than the fear of a coronavirus, so that we do not kill the spirit of the people,” said Borisov, admitting that he himself would not go to worship this year.

“Goethe also has a lot to learn, but there is also a Bible”

“Our orthodox religion, if you read it, is extremely wise, there is a recipe for everything, there is an interpretation, you can learn everything. As long as you read it … and Goethe has something to learn, but also from There is a Bible. And first says: “without the Lord we can do nothing. Well, how I close the church, you can’t pray to someone without whom you can’t do anything. “ Borisov said.

Lovech Metropolitan Gabriel, who also attended the press conference, reacted sharply to a journalist’s question about whether human life was more important. “If you were a church and a believer, you would not want us to close the churches”he said. When the journalist asked her that she was a believer, she said: “You are not.” A short time later, the Metropolitan apologized for his sharp reaction.

“I don’t think the infection can be transmitted in the temple”

Metropolitan Gabriel also admitted that he did not believe that the contagion could be transmitted in the temple, but that the church was doing “everything possible so that it is not reproached.” He also said that Bulgaria is one of the countries with the fewest diseases, the service for that is “those who run Bulgaria and their faith in God”.

He claims that all the measures against the epidemic are observed in the churches: the icons are also disinfected during the holidays in the homes of God. An organization would be established so that people could not become infected.

“Our priests and lords within the temples work hard and I am sure that everyone, especially on holidays, all quarantine measures will be taken personally by the lords and priests, who will ask for distance and masks.” An organization will be established to keep a distance so that we can honor the greatest celebration. The government, the synod and the community in this case must be very disciplined. “Borisov added.

No palm willow will be delivered

However, Borisov and the Holy Synod have agreed this year before churches do not distribute willow to Tsvetnitsa, and the reason for this is the spread of the coronavirus.
Furthermore, the Blessing Fire will not be carried today from Jerusalem to Bulgaria on Holy Saturday by a Bulgarian delegation from the church and state. Instead, a preserved fire from last year will be used.

“The flight to Tel Aviv and back to the Graceful Fire will not take place, and the funds provided for it will be diverted to fight COVID-19,” said Metropolitan Gabriel.

A week ago, Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev and the President of Crisis Staff, Professor Ventsislav Mutafchiyski, also visited the Holy Synod to demand more stringent measures, but failed to achieve the desired result.

Then the Bulgarian Orthodox Church announced that they would serve the festive services in the usual way and give communion.

Metropolitan Gabriel said the danger from the virus did not require a change in the church’s liturgical life. Add that there was no case of communion infestation, even though it was made by common ships.
