China squats: will tell the truth about COVID-19


China has said it will support an investigation by the World Health Organization (WHO) into the origin of the coronavirus. This informs the BBC.

But Beijing emphasized that any research must be scientific, not political.

The United States accuses the Asian country of not being transparent about how COVID-19 spread and therefore it failed and could not stop the infection. The Chinese government has denied the allegations.

A spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry accused Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of “fabricating lies to hide another lie.”

A few days ago, a spokesperson for the European Commission announced that member states would participate in the preparation of a draft resolution for an “independent review” of the COVID-19 pandemic in a virtual meeting of the World Health Assembly on 18 may.

China announced a new case of coronavirus infection on May 7, compared to two cases the day before. There are no new cases imported from abroad, explained the National Health Commission. The commission reported 16 other asymptomatic cases compared to 6 days earlier.

In total, there are 82,886 infected and 4,633 dead in China.

According to the latest figures from the World Health Organization, there are around 3.6 million confirmed cases worldwide and more than 254,000 deaths, and cases have been reported in more than 200 countries and territories.

Johns Hopkins University figures show more than 3.8 million cases and more than 269,000 deaths in 187 countries, with more than 1.28 million in recovery.

