China puts its flag on the moon (VIDEO)


It thus became the second country to fly a satellite flag.

China has put its flag on the moon. This is part of the mission of the Chinese space probe “Chan’u-5”, which took samples from the surface of the Earth’s satellite. While doing scientific work, the robot unfolded a small Chinese flag and pinned it to the surface. Thus, China became the second country whose is a flag of our satellite. More than 50 years ago, American astronauts placed their flag on the moon. A total of 5 American flags were placed there between 1969 and 1972. According to photos from 2012, they are still standing, but are probably already completely white due to radiation from the sun.

A Chinese spacecraft has been successfully put into orbit

“The mechanism for unfolding the flag was designed so that a picture could be taken after it was taken out. You had to see the entire flag, as well as the space and surface of the moon. For the mechanism to be safe for the integrity of the spacecraft, special welds were used. They resist very low temperatures and are a recently developed technology, “explained Li Yongfeng, director of the China Space Agency.

The SpaceX capsule docked to the ISS

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