: Child benefits for low-income families only (LAW) :: Monitor.bg


With amendments between the first and second reading in the 2021 budget

Child Benefits for Low Income Families Only (BILL)

They give 600 BGN per month to a doctor, increase police salaries by another 5%

Child benefits will only be received by low-income families, not by all, as was the original option proposed by the government. This is foreseen in the new texts proposed by the GERB deputies

between the first and second reading of the budget for 2021. Therefore, the allowance for a child in the family will become BGN 50 from the beginning of 2021, compared to BGN 40 so far. If the family has two children, they will give 110 BGN, compared to 90 BGN at the moment. Family benefits for three children will increase from BGN 135 to BGN 165, for four from BGN 145 they will become BGN 185, and for each subsequent child they will continue to give BGN 20. The total amount of child benefits will be received by families, in which the income per person is up to 510 BGN, suggest the deputies.

The aid will amount to 80% for families

With income between BGN 510.01 and BGN 650 per month per person, changes are also expected. Thus, the budget will save 204.8 million BGN, which will be delivered to doctors for increasing salaries in the Ministry of the Interior by 5% above the increase proposed in the first version of the budget by 10%, it is written in the reasons of the deputies.

In addition, the payment of a permanent monthly supplement to the salaries of medical personnel will be ensured in the conditions of an epidemic emergency situation, the deputies point out.

The supplement is expected to be BGN 600 per month for doctors.

BGN 360 for health care specialists and BGN 120 for nurses. To this end, another 237 million BGN will be allocated in the budget of the National Health Insurance Fund. BGN 77.5 million will be provided for the additional salary increase in the Ministry of the Interior. In addition, a further BGN 130,000 will be provided for the Catholic Church in Bulgaria. as the total subsidy from the budget will be BGN 200,000. An additional 1.32 million BGN will be provided for the Financial Supervision Commission, the changes proposed by the GERB deputies also foresee.

See here GERB’s full proposals for state budget changes for 2021.
