
Expanded measures against COVID-19 (ORDER)

[ad_1] An order issued by the Minister of Health extends the term of the temporary anti-epidemic measures introduced. They will be valid until January 31st. According to the order of January 4, students from first to fourth grade will study in person. From this day they open kindergartens and nurseries. …

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Coronavirus: three times more deadly than the flu

[ad_1] This is what scientists in France say The coronavirus is three times more deadly than the seasonal flu. This is the conclusion published by scientists in France. They studied the results of hospitalization of patients with both viruses. The data was collected from nearly 90,000 hospitalized with COVID-19 and …

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WHO officially: skis carry no risk of infection

[ad_1] America’s resorts refuse to compete for more people in the mountains The World Health Organization has officially announced its position on skiing in relation to the coronavirus pandemic.The instructions to follow appeared on the official website of the organization. The most important conclusion that has been reached and that …

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