
More men than women die from COVID. Why is that?

[ad_1] Men contract a more serious coronavirus and are more likely to die from COVID. Several factors play the role of specific protection in women. These are the facts, writes Deutsche Welle. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there has been speculation about why men have a harder time with …

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Why don’t masks stop the coronavirus?

[ad_1] If masks really stop the coronavirus, why are so many people still getting infected? The World Health Organization encourages the use of masks even at the Christmas table. In the UK, for example, studies show that three-quarters of residents wear masks in mandatory areas, but the virus is spreading …

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An emergency meeting was called due to the new strain of coronavirus – 【world news】 • current information, topics and news

[ad_1] Germany, which holds the rotating EU presidency, is convening an emergency EU meeting today on a new strain of the coronavirus found in Britain, the DPA reported. Berlin is activating the EU’s integrated mechanism for political response to crises, said German presidential spokesman Sebastian Fischer, BNR reported. The control …

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