
WHO: COVID-19 can never disappear

[ad_1] Photo: Pixabay The new coronavirus could “never disappear” and become a disease with which humanity will have to learn to live, the World Health Organization, cited by AFP, warned. The death toll in the world is already close to 300,000, the agency said. As several countries gradually lift the …

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Coronavirus: Sweden’s failure

[ad_1] Sweden sacrifices the elderly. Greed and privatization had made the situation in nursing homes unbearable. And when an epidemic occurred, the problems became catastrophic. When it became clear that Sweden would take its own different path in the fight against the coronavirus, the elderly in her country were promised …

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They defeated a brutal gang of thugs in Sofia

[ad_1] Thirteen men between the ages of 18 and 35 were arrested for brutally beating an 18-year-old boy on May 4 in Sofia. This was announced by the press center of the Interior Ministry. On 04.05.2020 around 00.19 in the city of Sofia “S t. Trinity”, Dimitar S. in complicity …

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