
A law deprives heads of hospitals of the opportunity to treat

[ad_1] Before the second reading, changes will be made so that elite doctors, who are also administrators, enter into an additional contract for the exercise of their profession. Shthe heads of the hospitals will no longer be able to treat, they will only be administrators. This became clear after the …

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Angelkova’s nose was operated on for a serious health problem

[ad_1] Nikolina Angelkova is visibly changed. PHOTOS BOYKO KICHUKOV, MONITOR V. Degenerative changes prevented him from breathing The nose of the former Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova was operated on due to a serious health problem, as “24 Chasa” has learned from medical sources. Over the past several days, Angelkova …

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The Kremlin demands important evidence in the Navalny case

[ad_1] A Kremlin spokesman said the water bottle found in opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s hotel room could have served as evidence in the case, but his supporters had removed it from Russia, Reuters reported. Germany and other Western countries say Navalny was poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok. The opposition …

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