
How Associate Professor Mangarov spent his first day as head of the COVID clinic

[ad_1] 10.11.2020 19:18; Mityo Marinov Deputy Prof. Atanas Mangarov, Head of the Children’s Department of the Sofia Infectious Diseases Hospital Infectious disease specialist admits patients wearing only an apron and mask, not even wearing gloves The fiercest opponent of measures against COVID-19 in our country, Associate Prof. Atanas …

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Alert for new killer microbe from Asia, mortality is 75%

[ad_1] In the context of the complicated global situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, scientists are alarmed by the emergence of new killer microbe – Nipah (NiV). It is common in bats in Bangladesh and India, but can mutate into a dangerous strain that can spread rapidly between humans and …

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The Minister of Health sent Mangarov to lead the battle against Covid-19

[ad_1] Health Minister Kostadin Angelov has asked infectious disease specialist Assistant Professor Atanas Mangarov, a leading critic of state measures against coronavirus, to lead the fight against the disease at the Infectious Diseases Hospital. This was announced by Angelov during his visit to the hospital, where the emergency coordination center …

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