
285,000 retirees who work cannot buy

[ad_1] Only young people can enter the store outside the hours 8 and 10 in the morning. PHOTO: Nikolay Litov A doctor from Veliko Tarnovo was denied treatment due to his old age Tip from lawyers: The employer must give a note so that these people can enter the stores …

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The situation with Covid-19 in Germany could get a lot worse

[ad_1] The growth of coronavirus infections in Germany could be much more severe without countermeasures, a senior official at the Robert Koch Institute for Infectious Diseases said on Thursday, cited by Reuters. A pandemic can reach a reproduction rate (coefficient known as “R”) of 3 to 4 without strict measures …

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Boyko Borissov made a monstrous mistake today

[ad_1] Today, the Prime Minister of Bulgaria, Boyko Metodiev Borisov, driving in his jeep and driving the Minister of Health and the head of “Pirogov” in it, and while filming to glorify his great government, said the following words, I quote: ” Work brings freedom … ” When I heard …

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