
Red wine: from pure pleasure to an analgesic

[ad_1] 04.12.2020 03:00; Konstantina Kostova A few drops on the ground improve flower growth and in the mask stimulate blood circulation. Red wine season has arrived. A glass in the evening in front of the fireplace or during dinner helps with the heart rate, protects against colds, heart …

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Tsar Kiro enters prison – Court and Prosecutor’s Office

[ad_1] With Decision No. 140 / 11.24.2020 in criminal case No. 618/2020, a three-member panel of the Supreme Court of Cassation (SCC) modified the sentence under vnohd No. 143/2017 of the Specialized Criminal Court of Appeals (ASC) , reducing the penalties imposed on Kiril Rashkov: for the crime contemplated in …

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No right of appeal! “King” Kiro goes to jail!

[ad_1] © With Decision No. 140 / 11.24.2020 in criminal case No. 618/2020, a three-member panel of the Supreme Court of Cassation (SCC) modified the sentence under vnohd No. 143/2017 of the Specialized Criminal Court of Appeals (ASC) , reducing the penalties imposed on Kiril Rashkov: for the crime …

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