
A hypermarket of a certain chain was fined for non-compliance with anti-epidemic measures – ᐉ News from Bulgaria • latest news and current information

[ad_1] Sanctioned a store of the “Jumbo” chain in Plovdiv for flagrant violation of anti-epidemic measures, reported Radio Attention – Governor of the Plovdiv district, Dani Kanazireva. The Regional Crisis Headquarters has received a series of signs of non-compliance with the measures and admission of a large number of visitors. …

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They are preparing a protest against mink farms – they want Borisov to close them due to the coronavirus – ᐉ Bulgaria News • latest news and current information

[ad_1] Several animal protection NGOs are preparing a protest in front of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday morning during a government meeting. Among them are “Wild animals”, “Together for animals – Bulgaria”, “Civil initiative to ban the extraction of valuable fur in Bulgaria”, SAY and “To you with nature”. …

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After Sofia, an unprecedented queue became Plovdiv PHOTOS

[ad_1] The hot weather and the weekends before the Christmas and New Year holidays drove people from their homes. As BLIC wrote despite the restrictive measures by the coronavirus and without being interested in the prevalent coronavirus infection, which claims dozens of lives a day in Bulgaria and Bulgaria’s leadership …

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Vaccination against COVID-19 has started in Russia

[ad_1] The first doses are given to doctors, teachers, and social workers. Mass vaccination against the coronavirus has started in Russia. The first doses are given to doctors, teachers, and social workers. Vaccination is free and voluntary. Russian authorities are using the Sputnik V vaccine, developed by local scientists. Patients …

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