Candidate for our Sports Minister caught by police driving drunk


“I had two beers after a game, I got behind the wheel and the police stopped me for a check. That was not right, it happened to me for the first and last time.” This is how football legend Emil Velev commented the case of June 25 last year, when he was caught in Etropole driving with 1.7 per thousand alcohol in his blood. Then Kokala explained to BLIC that this is due to the pills she takes for her blood pressure..

The last coach to lead Levski to the championship title (in 2009) was a gueston bTV on the occasion of the upcoming elections. As has already become clear, Velev is a representative of the civil quota of the BSP. He explained that he had received an invitation in person from Cornelia Ninova and Ivan Chenchev. Kokala is declared minister of sports if the BSP wins the elections.

Asked by presenter Zlatimir Yochev how he will control his blood pressure, which will inevitably rise if he enters parliament as a deputy, Velev said: “There are already new drugs, I will handle it.”

“Bulgaria has abdicated problems in sport, there is something to be done there. Sports medicine has to be developed, a new management model is needed in school sports,” said the football coach.

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He commented that if he is elected deputy, he will try to control his temper. “In general I am aggressive and I will not allow things that are not good to continue to exist. I would like to change a lot of things in the sports infrastructure, several modern stadiums have been built in neighboring countries,” Kokala said. additional.

The sports legend insisted that he would make an effort to change his vocabulary and not use words like “seltak” and “pyramid” in plenary session. When asked about the BSP program and, in particular, the unique benefits for children, Velev was unable to say the specific amount.

“I was a good player and coach. I think I can also be good and promising in the new role. Cornelia Ninova is a good strategist, quite intelligent and with serious political experience,” added Velev, 59, but declined to comment on the spin-offs. of the Socialist Party.
