Bulgaria’s insistence is poison


The Bulgarian blockade does not help, on the contrary. Bulgaria’s insistence on the Macedonian language is a poison for bilateral relations, said Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs of the Republic of North Macedonia, Nikola Dimitrov, on Channel 5, commenting on Sofia’s veto from adopting a framework. for the Skopje talks for EU membership. Dimitrov was quoted by the FOCUS news agency.

“Sofia’s language reservations are an investment in bad relations. If Sofia does not want to eliminate these reservations, she can keep them as a Bulgarian position, but this is not good and it is not a question of politics and state, but of science. Our language is Macedonian for us, for the UN and the EU. This is set out in the draft of the EC declaration and should be the same in the Negotiation Framework, “said Dimitrov.

“It will be a common success or a total failure, because what is at stake in this story is not only with Macedonia. There is a strong European commitment and for neighboring Bulgaria what will happen is very important,” said Dimitrov.

North macedonia
