Bulgarians want Belene and Balkan Stream nuclear power plant


The construction of “Balkan Stream” PHOTO: Reuters

Almost 60% do not agree to close leaks and lose jobs

People in Bulgaria approve of the construction of new nuclear facilities and gas pipelines. Shown here is a study on energy-related issues and problems, conducted by the National Center for Parliamentary Research.

The idea of ​​building new facilities at the Kozloduy nuclear power plant is significantly approved: 61.8% of those surveyed support it. Only young people between 19 and 29 years old, those without education and who live in the capital are more skeptical.

More than 56% approve the construction of the Belene NPP, with the greatest support being highly informed people, supporters of the country’s energy independence thesis, as well as those over 50 years of age.

The construction of the Balkan Stream gas pipeline has received even more support, with the project approved by almost two-thirds of those surveyed. More than 63 percent favor the gas connection with Greece, through which US liquefied gas is expected to come.

80% of those interviewed believe that the State should play a significant role in the construction of efficient and environmentally friendly energy sources.

Almost 60% do not agree with the closure of the leaks and the consequent loss of jobs. 30.9% of them prefer to find a compromise option in which people’s health and work do not conflict. They say almost as much that if they have to choose between cleaner air and leaks, they will prefer plants to work.

According to 54% of the survey participants, the free electricity market for households will reduce electricity prices due to competition between providers. But more than half of people worry that liberalization increases the risk of fraud and unfair suppliers. And 46% say that entering the free market will be associated with additional costs for households.

The survey also shows that in Bulgaria households are heated mainly by electricity and firewood: 54.7 and 39.1%, respectively. 13.3 and 10.3 percent depend on central heating and coal.
