Bulgarian doctor from Switzerland: Mangarov’s statements are dangerous


Associate Prof. Atanas Mangarov

The development of the COVID-19 pandemic is shocking and in Bulgaria control has been lost. The statements of Associate Professor Atanas Mangarov are unscientific and dangerous. Such a position was expressed by the Bulgarian physician Asparuh Iliev, who lives in Switzerland and runs a laboratory at the University of Bern.

“Do not play with a very serious disease that is currently out of control in Bulgaria. It does not matter if you believe in the infection or not, approach intelligently and wear (if you do not believe, just for safety) a mask, wash your hands, observe distance and ventilate the premises.

We don’t know what the virus behaves in freezing temperatures, but what we see with just a few degrees of cooling is scary and very serious. “This is what Dr. Iliev wrote on his Facebook account, reports news.bg .

“Mangarov’s statements about Kovid, about the masks, about the risks and the fight against Kovid are incorrect, they definitely do not correspond to the medical consensus and are extremely dangerous for your health.

Mangarov is a specialist in pediatric infectious diseases, he does not actually work with Kovid patients, he does not have an intensive care unit in his clinic and he has only seen serious cases on television. What a person wants is one thing, what science says is quite another. Mangarov’s blatant lie is that science thinks like him, the scientific consensus regarding Kovid is of the opposite opinion, “says the Bulgarian scientist.
