Bulgaria ranks 8th in mortality from COVID-19 in Europe


Bulgaria ranks eighth in mortality from COVID-19 in Europe. This was announced by the Minister of Health Kostadin Angelov at a briefing of the National Operations Headquarters. According to the Chief Inspector of State Health, Prof. Angel Kunchev, mortality is gradually decreasing.

According to the National Information System to Combat COVID-19, 286 new cases have been confirmed in the last 24 hours. 4,934 PCR tests were performed. The total number of confirmed cases in Bulgaria is 20,833, of which 5,374 are active and 14,643 have been cured.

“For the period from September 24 to 30, the number of infected has increased by 1,550, and the number is 767. The number of hospitalized is 110 more, and those in intensive care units, 15 more”, said the Minister of Health.

To date, 8,415 hospital beds have been designated for the country for coronavirus patients. 10.5% of its capacity is full. According to Angelov, there is a risk to the health system due to the insufficient number of doctors.

He also commented on the situation in schools and kindergartens. From the beginning of the school year to September 30, the number of sick children in kindergartens is 12, students – 117, teachers in kindergartens – 17, teachers in schools – 72, the non-teaching staff in kindergartens – 49, non-teaching staff in schools – 20.

4,043 students and 116 school teachers are in quarantine. The number of sick children and students is lower or close to the average number in society, said Associate Professor Kunchev.

The president of the National Operational Headquarters and head of the Military Medical Academy, Professor Ventsislav Mutafchiiski, reiterated that the most effective way to prevent coronavirus is to wear a mask. “They are simple things that don’t kill you. The mask must be used correctly and indoors,” he said.

“A total of 96 servicemen are infected, including doctors and nurses from the Military Medical Academy. There are also 10 cadets infected,” Major General Mutafchiiski said.

According to him, the Military Medical Academy is the hospital that has received the most plasma treatment. “It has spread to a total of 19 people,” he explained.

Kunchev announced that there is a trend towards a gradual increase in morbidity. According to her, the outcome of the disease depends on when the patient enters the hospital, secondly, her age, and thirdly, the accompanying diseases.

“There is no way that we can cancel the epidemic emergency situation at the beginning of a second wave in Europe and an increase in our country,” the health inspector was categorical.

“We must get used to living with the virus and follow the measures,” warned Minister Angelov. And he asked for distance, hygiene and the use of masks. “We will monitor compliance with these rules and will impose sanctions,” said the minister.

286 new cases of coronavirus in our country


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