Bulgaria prepares for the second phase of vaccination


Professor Angelov announced that there is a clear result of the measures introduced

An organization is already being created to initiate the second phase of vaccination. This was announced by the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, in a working meeting with members of the government. Vaccination is being prepared for 15,000 people in nursing homes and about 11,000 employees. Municipalities are already compiling lists with consent.

Vaccination in our country continues in full force

The Minister of Health also reports that the situation in the country is currently improving and there is a clear result of the measures, and the morbidity at 14 days is 180 per 100,000 inhabitants. The cured are permanently more than the newly diagnosed.

Branzalov: Even those who have COVID-19 should get vaccinated

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov expressed confidence that if the situation continues to be closely monitored and responded flexibly, our country will overcome the pandemic and it will be clear that Bulgaria has managed to better manage the crisis that has affected the entire world.

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