Bulgaria Joins the US 5G Security Program


Keith Krak and Boyko Borisov PHOTOS: The Council of Ministers

The acquisition of the F-16 Block 70 fighters is an important step forward, stressed the prime minister

Bulgaria and the United States have signed a memorandum of understanding on the security of fifth generation wireless networks, which is part of the US Clean Network program. This was made clear in the statement of the Undersecretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy and Environment, Keith Krak, to journalists. On Friday he met with Prime Minister Boyko Borissov. Keith Krak pointed out that the firm shows what a strategic partner of Bulgaria is.

“We believe this signature is a testament to our friendship and growing trust in our relationship. It is a landmark 5g joint statement that addresses the risk of insecure networks and ensures that we have a clean network that is critical to national security, economic prosperity. and the stability of the region, “Clark said.

Bulgaria Joins the US 5G Security Program

The memo means that the three mobile operators in Bulgaria will cooperate with reliable providers or, in other words, they will not work with the Chinese Huawei and ZTE. Keith Clark noted that A1 is already working with Nokia, while only Telenor is still deciding. The undersecretary of state revealed that Telenor is partnering with trusted suppliers in Norway and should do the same in Bulgaria, not as in Pakistan, where they work at Huawei. Krak said they would not sign a direct contract with the telecommunications companies.
Bulgaria is in good company. As a member of NATO, Bulgaria joins 27 countries from 30 alliance countries as a member of the Clean Net program, Clark added, adding that he met with the Assistant Secretary General three weeks ago. Mircea Genoa from NATO, who said it was critical in times of peace and war that civilian 5G networks and infrastructure must be secure.
Clean Network isn’t just about 5G, it covers everything from power grids, drones, cloud storage, and phone apps. According to the United States, Clean Network is targeting the threat to data confidentiality and security posed by the Communist Party of China.

On Friday, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and United States Department of State Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy and Environment Keith Krak welcomed the increasingly dynamic political dialogue between Bulgaria and the United States as a result. of the strategic partnership.

Borissov and Krak held a meeting during the visit of the US Undersecretary of State to Bulgaria. This is the third conversation between the two this year alone, which is another expression of the intensified cooperation between Bulgaria and the United States after Prime Minister Boyko Borissov’s visit to Washington in November 2019, the Council of Ministers press center announced. .

The meeting focused on priority issues of the strategic partnership, such as deepening trade and economic cooperation and strengthening bilateral relations in the field of fifth-generation (5G) wireless communications network security.

The Bulgarian Prime Minister and the US Under Secretary of State rallied around the position that 5G will become the infrastructure for connectivity, which will be key for all sectors of society, such as e-health, smart energy networks, transportation and mobility. 5G networks are the backbone of the future of our increasingly digitized economies and societies, it was emphasized during the meeting. That is why the European Union and NATO are partnering in the field of 5G to ensure the reliability of the infrastructure and the supply chain.

Another focus of the conversation was the partnership on security and defense, which are among the key dimensions of bilateral relations. “The acquisition of the F-16 Block 70 fighter jets is an important step forward in the modernization of the Bulgarian Air Force,” Prime Minister Borissov said. He was adamant that the Air Force modernization projects will provide conditions for industrial cooperation, which will contribute to the long-term economic development of Bulgaria and the competitiveness of our country.

“The United States is an important strategic partner of Bulgaria in the field of energy,” Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said. In this context, in June 2020, the United States proposed the signing of a bilateral Memorandum of Strategic Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Energy for Civil Purposes. “Promoting this partnership is another key element in the transition to a low-carbon economy,” Boyko Borissov said.

During the meeting, the development of emblematic documents in priority areas for Bulgaria and the United States, which will be signed, was positively valued.
