Bulgaria is on the verge of a state of emergency


Bulgaria is on the verge of a state of emergency. The new law urgently enters parliamentary committees. The deputies have only two days to decide how we will live after May 13.

The deputies of the legal commission meet on Monday to vote on the measures of the Health Law, which will continue to function after the state of emergency is lifted.

Starting today, passengers on public transport without fines are fined

The new one, which was registered at the suggestion of GERB, is an epidemic emergency situation that will be declared by decision of the cabinet and not by the Minister of Health; wearing masks indoors is mandatory; returnees from abroad will be quarantined for 14 days; restrict movement of new outbreaks of infection, as well as penalties for violating quarantine to remain after May 13.

The deputies adopted the amendments to the Health Law, returning to work on May 14.

They want BSP relief for borrowers, as well as a lower VAT on food and medicine.

Once the relevant committee adopts the measures at second reading, they will enter the plenary in an extraordinary meeting.

Permitted cultural events and visits to museums and cinemas (ORDER)

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