BSP, Borisov and Tsvetanov are fined for failure to comply with measures – Politika


The organizers of the 50th Congress of the BSP, the establishment of the Republicans by Bulgaria and the visit of the Prime Minister to the Cathedral “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” in Lovech will be fined for failure to comply with the measures against the epidemic. the press center of the Ministry of Health.

This is what they write from there in the press release:

Prime Minister Borissov was fined for not wearing a mask at the Rila Monastery

To the organizers:

– at the 50th Congress of the BSP, held at the National Palace of Culture on September 26 and 27;

– the establishment of the Republican National Park by Bulgaria, held at the Inter Expo Center on September 27;

– In today’s visit (September 28) of the Prime Minister to the Cathedral “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” in Lovech, acts for administrative violation of the anti-epidemic measures introduced in the country will be addressed.

When the violation is committed by a legal person, the penalty is BGN 500 to BGN 2,000, and in the case of repeated violation, from BGN 2,000 to BGN 5,000, according to art. 209a, para. 2 of the Health Law. The acts will be attended by the corresponding regional health inspections in whose territory the events took place.
