Brussels has announced a vaccination strategy against COVID-19


Brussels called on member states to prepare for vaccination against COVID-19 and revealed its strategy for its deployment as soon as possible across the bloc, BGNES reports.

The European Commission has asked countries to start working to ensure that once the European Medicines Agency approves the vaccine, they can store and transport it properly and have the skilled workforce and medical equipment necessary for the procedure.

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Parties should also ensure easy access to the vaccine for target groups and convey clear messages about the benefits, risks and importance of vaccines for confidence-building, the commission said.

“The safe and effective vaccine is our best attempt to defeat the coronavirus and return to normal life,” leader Ursula von der Layen said in a statement. “We need to make sure that once a vaccine is found, we will be fully prepared to use it,” he said, emphasizing, “If we want the vaccine to be successful, we must prepare now.”

Brussels reiterated that all Member States will have simultaneous access to the approved vaccine and that the doses will be distributed according to the size of the population. However, dosages will initially be limited before production can be increased, so the committee recommended that certain groups be prioritized. These include healthcare workers, people over the age of 60, people with predispositions that make them vulnerable, emergency workers, people with disabilities and disadvantaged socioeconomic groups.

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Margaritis Schinas, European Commissioner for the Promotion of the European Lifestyle, told reporters that “together we are stronger in healthcare”. According to him, the strategy will ensure that the “cacophony” at the beginning of the pandemic is not repeated. “Coordination is the name of the game,” he said.

The EU has signed vaccine advance purchase agreements with major pharmaceutical companies Sanofi-GSK, AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson to provide hundreds of millions of doses.

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However, the EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kiriadis, stressed that “the vaccine will not be a miracle solution” against the disease. “Vaccines won’t save lives, they will,” he said. But since the vaccine is not expected to be ready and approved by the authorities for at least a few more months, Kiriadis called for “citizens to continue to follow public health advice, no matter how unbearable and annoying they are.”

The announcement of the EU vaccination strategy comes at a time when the World Health Organization in Europe has said the situation in the region is “very worrying.”

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