Britain with new strict restrictions


The British government has stepped up measures to combat the coronavirus. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the introduction of a new three-tier system of restrictions due to COVID-19, which will operate in England, BTA reported.

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Depending on the degree of coronavirus infection, areas in England will be designated as “low”, “high” and “very high” risk areas, which will determine the measures to be introduced locally.

The new restrictions include the closure of some pubs. Pubs and bars in “very high” risk areas will cease to operate. Currently, the only area with such danger is the Merseyside area. Gyms, entertainment centers and casinos will cease to function there, the prime minister announced. The restrictions go into effect on October 14.

“We have to act to save lives,” Johnson told parliament, emphasizing that he did not want a new national quarantine.

“If we allow the virus to run wild, simple math shows that not only will we be recording a horrible number of deaths, but our healthcare system will be hit by a second uncontrollable wave of COVID-19, which simply makes our doctors and nurses will not be able to cure those with other illnesses, “Johnson said.

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The most recent data on the spread of the virus shows that it is very large in the north of England and in some areas of the south. The United Kingdom today registered 13,972 new cases of coronavirus infection. Yesterday there were 12,872. Today there are 50 deaths from the virus.

Boris Johnson said there were signs of hope for a COVID-19 vaccine, but cautioned that Britain should look at what was happening realistically and not take the vaccine for granted.


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