Boyko Borissov: In the first minutes of the new year I will allow myself to be optimistic! – Community


Dear friends and fellow citizens,

We are sending out a trial year, unprecedented in its consequences and scale. Many of you will probably be in a hurry to forget what happened in the last 12 months, and you shouldn’t! Certainly a disaster befell us, against which our battle continues today. The coronavirus destroyed our family and friends. It harshly affected all national economies and overshadowed our daily life. However, I have always said that Bulgarians show their strength in the most difficult moments. And now it was.

The year 2020 showed us the true meaning of the word HEROES. Our doctors, police officers, laboratory technicians, pharmacists, social and health workers at the cost of total self-denial throughout the day were our shield against infection. And that is why they deserve our deepest gratitude! The pandemic taught us to work and train in new conditions. Teach us to live guided by the care of the other. We have learned that discipline and responsibility can cost human lives. Science has achieved the unthinkable and invented a vaccine. It gave us hope that we could win. Mass immunization in our country is just beginning. As a government, we will do everything necessary to ensure that all Bulgarian citizens who wish to do so can get vaccinated.

There were also trials for us as rulers. The terrible pandemic forced us to make unpopular decisions. We were often misunderstood, we suffered a lot of criticism. But, I assure you, there was not a day that I did not think about children isolated from the school environment, about people whose businesses could not function, about our fellow citizens who lost their jobs. But I also saw the fear and fatigue in the eyes of the doctors, the pressure was fierce. Fortunately, we had to react, we were one of the first. We also made mistakes. We take them in and fix them. However, all the time we are guided by one thing only: to preserve the health and livelihood of the people. We are guided by the principle that with a lot of hard work and perseverance we can restore jobs and a prosperous economy, but we cannot restore human life. Nor will I miss the protests. They started with fair demands, but were replaced by failed politicians. An attempt was made to explode order in the country. That is why we proposed a reboot, it was not accepted. We had two options, to resign in a pandemic, tension and uncertainty, and a second, to continue working. And we continue because I am convinced that this is better for the state and citizens at this time.

We are in the final of 2020 and he is leaving with all the challenge that he has brought for the whole world, for each country, for each home and for each person. 2020 gave us a historic opportunity to give meaning to our actions, the motto of our country: “Unity is strength”. Let’s think about it! Let us be strong with every gesture towards the stranger, with every thought of our neighbor, with every little act of care! May 2021 not put our wisdom to the test. Let’s unite! Keep dividing means that we have not learned from our mistakes.

Medicine is ready to reverse the battle with COVID-19, but we, as a society, must be prepared. That is why for 2021 I will mainly want us to be united. For those who struggle on the front lines with the virus: courage and strength. To all Bulgarian citizens: faith and patience. In the first minutes of the new year I will allow myself to be optimistic! Because I saw that we were stronger than the virus. Because we already have a new weapon. Because the worst is over. I will leave the apocalyptic scenarios for the New Years wishes of other political figures with claims to statesmen. We have always been stronger in action. And that is why with a lot of work and determination on our part, with a lot of responsibility and discipline on the part of citizens, as well as with the help of vaccines, we will make 2021 the year of recovery, a new beginning, a return to normal life. I think we will make it! Together!

Happy New Year!
