Boyko Borissov, Ahmed Dogan, Mustafa Karadayi, Hristo Ivanov and Krassimir Karakachanov published a paper newsletter


The leaders of the political forces struggling to participate in the 45th National Assembly have already cast their vote. Boyko Borisov, Ahmed Dogan, Mustafa Karadayi, Hristo Ivanov, Krassimir Karakachanov and Valeri Simeonov passed the polls before 10 a.m. They all chose to vote with a paper ballot.

GERB leader Boyko Borissov thanked everyone involved in the elections after voting in Bankya. According to him, if it weren’t for the president’s stubbornness, the elections could have taken place a week later. In this way, they would take place in a calmer environment, because the country is already emerging from the third wave of COVID-19. Currently there are more than 500,000 vaccinated and the number of infected is decreasing.

Borissov added that this would be the most expensive election because almost 50 million levs were spent to buy voting machines. About 10,000 voting machines were purchased. He noted that the elections will cost more than 150 million BGN.

“If someone wants to give more than 150 million BGN every few months, instead of increasing people’s income and pensions, it is their right,” he said.

Freeze frame of Boyko Borissov’s Facebook page

The prime minister added that he had received strong support from the leaders of the main European parties.

“At that time, they showed how important it is for Bulgaria to continue to govern itself in a European and stable way,” Boyko Borissov said.

According to him, the greatest support from the EC, which our country received, was on Friday through the 1,300,000 additional vaccines that Pfizer gave to our country. “This is support for the Bulgarians, this is support for the health of the Bulgarians,” he said.

Borissov added that great efforts have been made to make this a reality. He thanked the EC and the 19 EU member states that agreed to provide their vaccines for the health of Bulgarians.

As soon as he voted, Boyko Borisov went to the Divotin Monastery. There he spoke with the priest, prayed, and commented on how far the restoration had come.

Exactly at 9 am the honorary president of the MRF Ahmed dogan Also exercise your right to vote by paper ballot.

He declined to comment to reporters, only giving a thumbs-up gesture.

After him, the president of the MRF also voted Mustafa karaday. He exercised his law shortly after 9 am at the Sofia University “PR Slaveykov” in Kardzhali.

“I voted for a statehood reset. I hope the machine vote does not have the problems that 2019 had. The process that was in the preparation of the machine vote, we watched from a distance. There were a number of problems. organizational, “Karaday said.

Photo: BTA

A little later, the co-chair of “Democratic Bulgaria” also voted. Hristo Ivanov. He presented a paper newsletter for “information on machine problems.” He did not specify the exact problem, but in all probability it is a section in Veliko Tarnovo, for which there is a sign that the preferences for one of the political forces are not correctly recorded. However, Ivanov expressed the expectation that the elections would be fair.

Photo: BTA

“I call on all citizens to vote for change, for democracy, freedom, law and modernization,” he said, after exercising his right to vote and ensuring that the vote was safe, the conditions existed so that was orderly and without health risks. “I hope that a National Assembly with more legitimacy will be formed to start a conversation about change,” Ivanov said.

The IMRO Leader Krassimir Karakachanov exercise your right to vote in Pleven.

Photo: BTA

“I have voted in favor of what we have been pursuing as a policy for a long time: a continuous increase in income, for the traditional Bulgarian family, for the safety of Bulgarian citizens. I am convinced that in this mandate we have worked – what we promised, and we will continue in that direction, “he said.

The deputy prime minister stressed that he expects the next parliament to be colorful and expressed hope that it will be more accountable at the national level.

“During these four years, we have witnessed times when some political parties behaved as if they were not Bulgarian and were interested in how to inflict some defeat on the government, instead of doing something useful,” he said.

Karakachanov called on the parties in the next parliament to serve the Bulgarian people, not foreign ideologies and interests.

“With such a colorful parliament, there is the possibility of forming a government, if the parties are national responses and if they put the interests of the Bulgarians above their own political ambitions and power struggles. Apart from the pandemic, one of the others The reasons why people do not vote is that more than “They see the battle between the parties for 30 years, and only then are they interested in the interests of the people,” he added.

The Co-Chair of the “WILL-NFSB” Coalition also chose a ballot Valery Simeonov.

“I am convinced that manual voting provides greater security and makes tampering and falsification impossible, since there is no software that can be manipulated in manual voting, nor are there software specialists from Venezuela to prepare the voting machines,” he said, asking for justice, not corrupt, elections. Simeonov expressed the hope that more deputies will put the interests of the state first.

Photo: BTA

“God forbid, this should give the state a boost, because these people think first of the state, and then of themselves and their parties,” added Valeri Simeonov.

The BSP Leader However, Cornelia Ninova voted by machine, after the party called at the beginning of the campaign not to vote with paper ballots, because that would save an entire forest.

Photo: BTA

“I am surprised that there is so much turnout so soon, but it is commendable. Timing is crucial for Bulgaria: go out and vote. I voted for change and stability, to come out of the bottom of all dismal rankings. For an orderly Bulgaria, fair and social “I voted for healthy and educated people who have jobs and receive high salaries and pensions. Those who breathe fresh air, drink clean water and eat clean Bulgarian food. I voted for a just Bulgaria, “Ninova said after exercising her right to vote at the capital Peter Beron School.

According to her, change is possible. He said that he was not making predictions and that the BSP was working for victory.

Assoc. Atanas Mangarov, ABV list leader for 23 MIR – Sofia, also voted by machine at polling station 44 at NPMG “Acad. L. Chakalov” at 52 Bigla Street in the Lozenets district. Opponent of strict measures against the coronavirus this time he wore a mask.

“I voted by machine. It is fast. I voted to return to normal life and fix the country. The election during a pandemic is accompanied by many fears, which people must overcome if they want to change their life and most importantly” return to their form. normal life. Also, there are many things in our country that need to be changed. It’s obvious that just getting back to normal isn’t enough, ”he said.

“First, we have to end these crazy restrictive measures, which have little effect and cause very serious economic, mental and other damage. Second, what I see from my point of view is that our healthcare system it needs serious changes, because under the conditions of such a crisis it was ineffective. ”

Photo: Bulfoto

Election day began at exactly 7 a.m. today. In the conditions of extraordinary epidemiological situation, today we are electing deputies for the 45th National Assembly. The vote will last until 8:00 p.m., but if there are voters in front of the sections, it can last until 9:00 p.m..

There are a total of 6,895 candidates for parliament who will seek support from a preliminary list of 6,732,316 eligible voters. Anyone can refer to the number and address of the electoral college on the website of DG “GRAO” of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.

There are 11,983 fixed polling stations in the country, in 9389 of them there will be voting machines. There are separate polling stations for quarantined voters and people in hospitals.

Bulgarians abroad can exercise their right to vote in a total of 465 polling stations in 69 countries.

At 9 o’clock in our country electoral activity it was 4.1%, according to Gallup.
