Borissov with first comment on Facebook after news that he is infected with COVID-19 – Politics


Prime Minister Boyko BorissovBoyko borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria. Born June 13, 1959 posted the first comment on Facebook following the news that he was infected with a coronavirus. However, he did not comment on the subject of his health, but on current political events around the world and, in particular, the tension between France and Turkey.

“Great leaders are great leaders because they discuss big problems. Do not create unnecessary problems in the difficult times we are living in. Seek dialogue, not confrontation. France and Emmanuel Macron have been and will continue to be a pillar of the European family.” In front of my friend President Macron during the European Council in Brussels, I said to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, “Borissov said.

“I gave both of them an example from European Bulgaria, which continues to be an example in relations with neighboring Turkey. Dialogue and respect are the way to stability and understanding in difficult times like today,” he added.

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