Borissov: We have made great efforts to increase revenue.


“We have made great efforts to meet all commitments to increase income, even in a pandemic. As of January 1, the minimum wage is 650 BGN and the minimum pension for seniority and seniority is 300 BGN, therefore that are insured. 474 million BGN. Starting in July, all pensions will be updated by 5%. Business support continues. ” This was stated by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov at the beginning of today’s working meeting, which the Prime Minister convened with members of the government.

Bulgaria closes the year with the lowest deficit in Europe

Prime Minister Borissov also noted that since the beginning of this year, pay for night work is at least BGN 1 per hour, and the minimum unemployment benefit remains at BGN 12 per day, after it was increased from BGN 9 in October. Also until June 30. people who do not meet the deadline can transfer the money from the “second” pensions of a universal fund to the National Institute of Social Security if they think it will be more profitable for them.

The Prime Minister highlighted the state’s support for the most vulnerable in the crisis caused by the pandemic. The Prime Minister pointed out that this year the employers’ care teams from 226 municipalities and 18 metropolitan areas will continue to deliver food and medicine and will help provide some administrative services. 50,000 adults and low-income people will receive a hot lunch. More than 3,000 people will be able to eat in the country’s public dining rooms and some 300,000 will receive basic necessities packages. BGN 50 continues to support the pensions of 2.1 million pensioners, and in April 392,000 pensioners with pensions of BGN 300.01 to BGN 369 will receive a one-time supplement of BGN 120 for food. All types of social support for people with disabilities continue and salaries for personal assistants increase. The amount of the heating aid will again be around BGN 500 throughout the winter season.

Borissov: Starting today – full diversification (VIDEO)

In the new 2021, all families with children enrolled in grades I and VIII will be able to receive 300 BGN of aid. BGN 73 million has also been provided to support families with children under 14 years of age who study remotely. Families will be entitled to child benefits or income tax relief, and low-income individuals will be entitled to both. The amount of tax relief for children is increased over the amount of the parents’ annual taxable income.

“We are working on measures to preserve employment, we have focused mainly on the measure” Keep me “for closed businesses. As of January 1 we will increase the benefit payment and it will be 75% of gross salary. We are doing everything possible to make rhythmic payments, which so far are almost BGN 11 million, we have a total of BGN 50 million under this measure ”, said the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Denitsa Sacheva, during the working meeting.

He added that currently the customer service scheme is open and municipalities can apply.

“Standards for social services have also been increased. Municipalities can also request the so-called” COVID Standard, through which disinfectants and protective equipment can be purchased in homes for the elderly and people with disabilities, “said the Minister of Labor. and Social Policy.

Bulgaria with a record volume of investments in 2020 (VIDEO)

The current measure to maintain 60/40 employment is still in operation this year, for which BGN 600 million is expected. The 80/20 measure for the “Tourism”, “Hotel and restaurant” sectors continues with BGN 40 million until the end of March. “AND” Transportation. “Until March 31, closed business workers will be able to receive compensation in the amount of 75% of their insurance income.

Minister Lachezar Borisov reports that, through the Ministry of Economy, the state has assisted Bulgarian companies with more than 500 million BGN since the beginning of the pandemic.

“We expect this process to accelerate significantly in the coming months and we expect to double that amount,” he said. The economy minister said that 2,538 companies have already submitted applications to participate in the program, in which the ministry is working together with the National Revenue Agency. The European Commission is expected to notify the scheme soon so that it can work. “This month we will also consider 3,354 applications under the micro and small business assistance program. We have already signed 147 contracts worth BGN 65.6 million, with which we support investments under the production capacity procedure for medium-sized companies, ”said Minister Borissov.

During the working meeting, he also reported that the aid sent by the Bulgarian state in connection with the strong earthquake had reached Croatia. With the support of the Bulgarian army, 100 radiators and 500 folding beds have already been received in Croatia. Trucks with mineral water also travel to the country. Bulgarian companies have also expressed their desire to help the Croatian people.

SECOND PENSIONS: The government has approved the rules to pay the money

Deputy Prime Minister Krassimir Karakachanov focused on increasing revenue in the security sector.

“For the fourth year in a row, the income of security sector employees has increased, both for the army and the police. Four years in a row by 10%. If we take the cumulative effect, the real increase in wages of women people in the sector is around 48%, something that has never happened in the practice of the armed forces, “said the Deputy Prime Minister. Karakachanov also focused on the funds allocated for the modernization and restoration of military equipment and investments in the capabilities of the army.

“The funds go to security, but also to the Bulgarian economy,” the deputy prime minister said, citing projects with frigates, special forces vehicles and the modernization of T-72 tanks.

Regarding vaccination, Health Minister Kostadin Angelov reports that an organization is already being created to launch the second phase with the arrival of new supplies of vaccines in the country. Vaccination of 15,000 people in nursing homes and around 11,000 employees is being prepared, and municipalities are already compiling lists with consent.

Bulgaria prepares for the second phase of vaccination

The Minister of Health also reports that the situation in the country is currently improving and there is a clear result of the anti-epidemic measures, and the morbidity at 14 days is 180 per 100,000 inhabitants. The cured are permanently more than the newly diagnosed.

For his part, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov expressed his confidence that if the situation continues to be closely monitored and responded flexibly, our country will overcome the pandemic and it will be clear that Bulgaria has managed to better handle the crisis affecting the entire world.

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