Borissov: We are concerned about the death toll, but we are already out of the dark rankings – Politics


We prepared quickly and if the COVID-19 vaccine arrived, the vaccination was organized only on request and free of charge, with vaccines approved by the European Commission and with the guarantee of the European Medicines Agency. This was stated by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov.Boyko borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria. Born June 13, 1959 during your visit today to the Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, which is also home to BulBIO. The Prime Minister personally ensured that our country is ready to meet the first delivery of vaccine in specialized refrigerators. Work for the local organization in the country begins on Monday.

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“Here are the two refrigerators with a temperature of -71 degrees. We can collect more than 100,000 doses of vaccine in one. According to initial data, the first shipment that will arrive will be 125,000,” said Health Minister Kostadin Angelov.Kostadin AngelovKostadin Angelov was born on June 7, 1977. He graduated from Sofia Medical University in 2004., who was also at the scene with Prime Minister Borissov. The Health Minister added that such refrigerators will be located at the RHI in Sofia, one will be installed today at the RHI in Burgas, and next week an organization will be created for the rest of the RHI in the country.

“With Prof. Gigov we met on Monday the directors of the six RHIs, who are responsible for the six regions of the country, in order to create local logistical regimes of behavior and distribution of the vaccine, the organization of the target groups” said the Health Minister.

The COVID-19 Vaccine Route

In order for our refrigerators to be of maximum service, one will be located in Varna, the second in Plovdiv and the third in Sofia, said the President of the National Operational Headquarters and Head of the Military Medical Academy Ventsislav Mutafchiiski.Ventsislav MutafchiiskiVentsislav Metodiev Mutafchiiski is a Bulgarian doctor, officer, major general and professor. He was born on 20.

The Minister of Health has also indicated that 11,000 vials of remdesivir are stored in the BulBIO warehouse, and another 6,000 vials will arrive on Monday. Minister Angelov noted that the drug is available to hospitals around the clock, as it is free and available to all patients in Bulgaria.

Based on the data we see right now, 2,500 are cured, which means that doctors and medical workers in general manage to cure many people. Yes, we are still concerned about the death toll, but we are already moving out of the dark rankings, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said.Boyko borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria. Born on June 13, 1959.

BulBIO director Rumen Kofinov also informed the prime minister of the progress of the projects, for which the government pledged to help during the prime minister’s previous visit to the company in April this year. Then Kofinov presented to the Prime Minister the investment projects developed by BulBIO. The first is for a new BCG vaccine production line, which will be able to increase the production capacity of the vaccine for which the company is licensed. The second project consists of expanding the production of human blood products, immunoglobulins, which are extremely important for the most seriously ill and strategically important for our health. The third project provides for the restoration of animal plasma production in horses for preparations for the treatment of diphtheria, botulinum poisoning, tetanus and snake poisoning. Kofinov noted that the renovation of the laboratory, which took place in the spring, has already been completed.

Borissov: We are ready for the first vaccine deliveries

“We bought 10 mares, the stable is almost finished. A specialized plasma device has been bought and from next year there will be production,” said the director of BulBIO.

This is the know-how in Bulgaria and it was good to recover, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said.Boyko borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria. Born on June 13, 1959.

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