Borissov: vaccines will help us return to a normal lifestyle


“The COVID-19 vaccines will be voluntary, free, safe and certified by the European Medicines Agency. They will help us cope with the pandemic and return to a normal life.” This was announced by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov after participating in a video conference of members of the European Council.

“So far, the EC has signed vaccine agreements with 4 companies, 2 new agreements are being prepared. After today’s video conference with members of the European Council, I look forward to mutual recognition of PCR and antigen testing between member states start early. This will allow the gradual restoration of movement of people, “said Borissov.

“There is still no full agreement on the Multi-Year Financial Framework and Recovery Package, so we continue to work on this issue,” he said.

“European solidarity money cannot yet reach the member states. “We managed to deal with the money, at least for now, but I hope that by the end of the year, both Parliament and the Council will find solutions to unblock European payments to member states,” Borissov added.

Regarding the main topic of today’s Council, the pandemic, the Prime Minister pointed out that during the debate the situation in the different Member States was reported.

The Bulgarian Prime Minister pointed out that there are several countries in which very severe measures have been introduced, but the data shows that this does not necessarily lead to success.

Borisov recalled that the so-called The “confinement” has a negative effect on the psyche and health of people who are locked in their homes. “That is why I think we must, with very good organization and strict measures – which we have already pointed out many times – not to gather people, voluntarily limit ourselves, wear masks in public places, so that the labor process can continue, parks, gardens and mountains they must be accessible, people must be able to move freely and not feel compelled to be restrained by force. This is our call: for everyone to show conscience and reason, “said the Prime Minister.

Regarding antigen testing, the Prime Minister noted that Bulgaria is ready, BGN 15 million have been reserved for purchase. “The goal is when we get to the plateau and go down a bit, to see what the big picture is,” Borissov added.

According to him, antigen testing is also important to facilitate travel between European countries. “Once the EC gives so many recommendations on the subject, this will be one of the things that will facilitate traffic for travelers. This common approach and recognition of evidence is extremely important that our colleagues have accepted, ”said the Prime Minister.

On the issue of vaccines, Prime Minister Borissov thanked the European Commission for its quick work and for creating the necessary tools. The Prime Minister recalled that our country participates in the complete portfolio of vaccines, in accordance with European solidarity.

“The council of experts established in the EC works very well, where on the one hand at the level of ministers of health, on the other hand, our national health inspectors participate and exchange absolutely complete information on the way it is treated, the way in that is. quarantine, “added Borisov.” The European Commission has done a great job and there are already precise decisions on all our proposals, written with precision, “said the Prime Minister.

After the videoconference, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov held a working meeting with Health Minister Kostadin Angelov, in which they discussed the results of discussions by European leaders today.


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