Borissov: There are thugs who believe they are lying to the state – Bulgaria


“There are thugs who think they are lying to the state. And they are lying to themselves because they are going to get sick. It is clear that with these measures, with care, distance and compliance with the instructions of the RHI, Bulgaria is moving in a way relatively liberal.

Our friends in Greece are only better in the EU in the number of people infected by us. But they have a total blockade and it is reassuring that possibly on January 27 some, but that they see measures to relax. This is your right. We have adopted another tactic with Headquarters and during this time we are building schools, kindergartens, building, people are working. Now, if it comes to life and health, let’s let the greats study on the 31st – very well, “commented Prime Minister Boyko Borissov during an inspection at the Vocational School of Agricultural Mechanization in Razlog, it was clear from his profile on” Facebook “.

Borissov hopes that the great students will return to class after January 31.

“We intend to release the great students on January 31 if we are doing so well and handling the pandemic,” he said.

The prime minister is alongside Education Minister Krassimir Valchev, Andrey Novakov MEP and Razlog Mayor Krassimir Gerchev.

All offices of the Professional School of Agricultural Mechanization in Razlog have already been renovated with funds from the “Growing Regions” operational program. Desks and chairs were replaced, laminate was installed in each classroom.

The high school also has fully equipped computers and interactive classrooms, as well as one with a 3D printer. The school also has a life-size car simulator for educational purposes, which the children use for free. With funds from the national budget, modern machines were purchased, on which students are trained. Thanks to the modern foundation, the children will have a good preparation and it will be easier for them to notice in the labor market, the Prime Minister wrote on his profile.

We have allocated BGN 2.4 billion to this mandate for education. There has never been so much money in the system. Teachers’ salaries have doubled for 4 years. We build and repair schools and kindergartens. More than one billion levs have been invested in educational infrastructure: renovations, gyms, computer rooms. These are the facts!

We have provided more than one billion for social and economic measures to support businesses. Thanks to them, 300,000 jobs have been saved, the prime minister added.
