Borissov: There are no masks in the open, if there is no crowd.


Prime Minister Boyko Borissov ordered Health Minister Prof. Kostadin Angelov, in his new order, to describe very precisely when a mask should be worn outdoors.

I insist that all details be described! It should be explained clearly and precisely to people that when a person walks alone on the street, rides a bicycle, walks in the park or is in open places where there are no crowds, it is not necessary to wear a mask. If you want, you can do it, but at your request ”, Borisov was categorical.

Official: outdoor masks become mandatory

He also highlighted that societies around the world are divided and the percentage of those who do not believe in COVID-19 is increasing.

“At the same time, the number of infected people is increasing across Europe, so even though they are in defense of human health, all measures are being questioned,” Borissov said.

“Hospitals are overcrowded right now, there are more and more COVID-19 patients and medical personnel are getting infected. We must also think about the doctors who are at the forefront, “said the prime minister.

1,336 new cases with a record number of PCR tests per day

He added that many countries in Europe have introduced the mandatory use of masks, emergencies are in place, schools and restaurants have been closed.

“We want, based on conviction and with strict control, to save the lives of doctors, all employees on the front lines in the battle against COVID-19 and all Bulgarian citizens,” Borissov added.

During a government meeting on Wednesday, it became clear that the cabinet had secured the supply of Remdesivir to ensure treatment of COVID-19 patients until the end of March 2021.


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