Borissov: The minister and the heads of hospitals are the first to be vaccinated. Me, when it’s my turn – ᐉ News from Bulgaria • latest news and current information


On December 27, the Minister of Health, the heads of hospitals are the first to be vaccinated, I – when it’s my turn, because 90 days have to pass (after suffering the coronavirus), I have a lot of antibodies, and we said – the frontline doctors, medical workers who want to be the first to do it if they want to. This was stated by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov on the occasion of the launch of the vaccination campaign in Bulgaria against coronavirus infection.

In a work meeting this morning, he spoke about the epidemiological situation in the country. During the meeting it was clear that there are no more areas in the red zone in the country.

“Of course, you, Baltov, Mutafchiiski, Angelov, will be vaccinated at will. Do not let it happen that someone has ordered you. In 21 days again, because that is how this vaccine is administered,” the Prime Minister addressed the Minister of Salud and the heads of MMA and “Pirogov”.

The first 10,000 vaccines developed by Pfizer and Biontech will arrive on December 26. Immunization begins with them the next day and the first vaccinated will be the doctors who work on the front line in the fight against COVID 19.

“By the end of January, we expect to have 100,000 doses, which will be enough for 50,000 people,” said Bogdan Kirilov, director of the Bulgarian Agency for Medicines.

Important people will first be vaccinated on COVID-19 at the Military Medical Academy. This was stated in the periodic briefing of the Chief of the National Operations Staff, Major General Prof. Dr. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski. According to him, this will set an example and “infect” their colleagues.

He explained that priority will be given to first-line doctors and then to those who work in other clinics. The Chief of Staff added that those who have had COVID-19 will also wait for immunization.

Sofia, Bulgaria
