Borissov pushes Passy’s plan for a medical shield in the EU


A letter to Ursula von der Leyen suggested common sanitary zones and medical protocols for action

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov promised to personally familiarize the head of the European Commission (EC), Ursula von der Leyen, with Solomon Passy’s plan for a common European health shield. This became clear shortly after Borissov presented to the leaders of the Strategic Forum in Bled, Slovenia, parts of the idea of ​​joint action against COVID-19 in Europe. Borissov spoke extensively on the same topic before the Bulgarian ambassadors abroad conference, which is being held online this year due to the pandemic.

The main part of the proposal, which will be sent to the EC, is to introduce uniform protocols for action in the EU in the event of a common threat to the health of citizens, as well as the definition of sanitary zones and protocols for action.

In June, the common health shield project, launched in early April by Solomon Passy and a team of 27 other Bulgarian and foreign capabilities, received support from Germany. Then the German Minister of Health

Jens Span called

the idea of ​​”something

like a health NATO “,

thus providing mutual assistance during crisis situations such as the coronavirus pandemic. Previously, Solomon Passy described him as a “Schengen doctor.”

In Bled, Prime Minister Borissov said the unified medical protocol should specify how schools and kindergartens should function, whether and how sporting events are allowed or prohibited in the EU.

A comprehensive approach to protective clothing, vaccines and medications is needed to deal with the new disease, Borissov added.

The draft Common Strategy of the European Union, presented in April, worked under the acronym “Health Shield Europe” with the abbreviation (HeShEu). This idea by Passy and company contained three main steps: preventive measures, a common health policy and the creation of a European advisory council on unimaginable threats and emergencies. Some of the measures of this health shield included the introduction of “medical visas” and the establishment of zones with a common health and health policy of the EU, including vaccines and immunizations against communicable diseases. All this presupposes a global mapping of the world and the definition of the respective sanitary zones. So depending on the risks for the EU to determine its policy towards these parts of the world and the higher the risk of outbreaks somewhere, the more precise regulations will be imposed. The HeShEu recommendations follow the imposition of a policy to regulate the movement and exchange of people, goods and businesses with the risk areas, while the danger of contact with them is limited.

A central element of this plan are measures against investment in risky areas, such as China.

If the world is divided into sanitary zones, as Passy’s plan suggests, then these

companies that violate

introduced epidemiological

laces, you have to pay

health risk rate

This is one of the serious regulations that should be present as proposed in Borissov’s letter to Ursula von der Leyen.

There are other restrictions on commercial outsourcing and the opening of new factories and production lines in such risk areas.

That is, if a large European company wanted to open a factory in the Chinese city of Wuhan, for example, it would most likely face a serious problem due to restrictive European regulations.
In addition to strengthening regulations in EU trade policy, the plan calls for a review of investment practices both in foreign assets in Europe and in European capital in third countries. All this, in the event that “the possibility of guaranteeing sufficient protection of human health, flora and fauna is endangered.”

Prof. Asen Baltov

Prof. Asen Baltov

There are also restrictions on the cross-border exchange of food and other sensitive substances with countries beyond the sanitary risk cords, as well as an industrial policy to guarantee a sufficient production of vital medicines, devices and equipment in EU countries.

As 24 Chasa has already written, the plan for a European shield was developed with impressive participation from Bulgaria and was signed by several prominent European politicians such as Franco Frattini – former Vice President of the European Commission and former Italian Foreign Minister, Hans van Baalen of the Netherlands – President of the Alliance of European Free Democrats, Mircea Pascu – former Vice President of the European Parliament, as well as former European Ministers of France and Ireland – Noel Lenoir and Dick Roche.

Authors: this is new
world health order

“The pan-European team of the Atlantic Club, which developed Health Shield Europe, is pleased that the document is becoming a government priority for Bulgaria. Thus, in the midst of the pandemic, our country has the exclusive opportunity through the EU to start a new world health order. Just as the Atlantic Charter conceived a new world order at the beginning of World War II. But this time Bulgaria will be on the side of the winners! ”Thus, the team of the author of” Health Shield Europe “commented yesterday on Prime Minister Borissov’s engagement.

Prof.Baltov: Common codes for the European Union according to the level of infection and evaluate every 14 days

This is an issue that must be discussed at the level of the European Union. Depending on the population (9 million, 6 million or 60 million people), the number of infected is also different, but when we have a cluster infection in a certain place, as was the case with Dobrich, for example, then it is good have certain codes, to be known by all.
These codes can be valid for a specific area as well as for the whole country and every 14 days the situation can be evaluated and the code changed.

Thus, the director of the largest emergency hospital in Bulgaria, Professor Asen Baltov, commented to “24 Chasa” the idea of ​​an EU medical shield, which he himself supports.

“When there is a spread of the infection, as in the Austrian ski resorts, for example, it should be a red zone and you should not go there. You need to clarify something like that, which applies to the entire European Union, because now some They want a PCR test for those arriving from Bulgaria, others don’t, and it turned out that the last 10 days we are much better than most European countries, and and from the Balkans, and they still treat us like we are sicker.

Therefore, there must be uniform criteria. Maybe you should

to assemble the main

state sanitary


of all European countries and think in that direction ”, he added.

Another important issue, according to him, is the general provision of masks and protective equipment for all parties.

“The problem is that the EU was completely dependent on imports from China and third countries, because production is not preserved and now we are suffering precisely that. For example, the United States buys billions of masks, and sometimes we can’t buy them. If the whole EU is buying together, this is completely different, “Prof Baltov commented.
The production of masks and protective equipment started in our country at the beginning of the epidemic helped the crisis, but surgical masks are not manufactured here, which is a problem, he added. He explained that there is already a company in Bulgaria that bought a machine for the production of surgical masks, but the textiles they need, the three-layer non-woven textiles, also come from China.

Germany and NATO can make the idea global

The idea of ​​a European health shield could be developed and the plan could go global, becoming a “global health shield,” Solomon Passy said in April. He explained why the proposal should be addressed not only to the European Commission, but also to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and other important figures on both sides of the ocean.
The EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borel, also received a copy of the Health Shield Europe (HeShEu) plan.

According to this idea, the EU and NATO should jointly develop synchronized protocols for the prevention and response to epidemics and other civil emergencies.

The proposal to develop a new HeShEu strategy under the auspices of the European Commission called for the participation of other key international organizations to establish a “gold standard” and a long-term plan for global implementation, including as part of the Goals of Sustainable Development of the UN.
Such a model, while not perfect, makes sense despite disputes among NATO allies over defense spending. So wrote the German newspaper “Reinische Post” in June, when Germany signaled through its Health Minister Jens Span that it accepted the idea of ​​a European health shield.

This plan has a geopolitical dimension because Europe needs to rethink its role in the world, especially in the bipolar model established by the United States and China, and become less dependent on foreign suppliers, Span said at the time.

For his part, Solomon Passy commented: “In essence, this can be called a coalition of competencies. First, prevention and, second, coordination and a common policy of good practice. Consequently, action and behavior protocols can be developed and adopted in two ways: as a European project, European practices imposed by European institutions, or as a more global project in which other countries can participate. Germany has aspirations to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council and can prove its worth as a world leader, choosing to support a more global approach, in which health care is not a national prerogative but a multi-community policy. “
