Borissov proposed the urgent creation of a medical shield against COVID-19 in Europe


The creation of an emergency medical shield for action against COVID-19 in Europe was proposed by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov in his speech to the leaders of the Strategic Forum in Bled.


According to the Bulgarian Prime Minister, according to this medical shield, all member states should react differently with a red, yellow or green code. Borissov added that the unified medical protocol should specify how schools and kindergartens should function, if sporting events are allowed or prohibited in the EU and how.

“Each member state is obliged to provide a green corridor and truck traffic, for transportation,” Prime Minister Borissov said. He added that there is a need for a comprehensive approach to protective clothing, vaccines and drugs to deal with the new disease.

“We have shown that we are not prepared for a pandemic. In March, we competed for which country would close the borders first. Bulgaria was supportive, we produced medical clothing, helmets, masks and sent them to everyone who asked for it in Europe,” Borissov said in his speech to the participants at the Strategic Forum in Bled.

Borissov expressed concern that even now Member States do not have a single medical protocol for action on COVID-19 in the context of the expected second wave. “We still do not have a vaccine,” the Bulgarian prime minister added.

According to him, the challenges we face demand that we be more united than ever. Borissov reminded leaders that the pandemic is testing health and economic systems and continues to be a factor of instability and insecurity. “We all want to be better prepared and respond more effectively to crises. Within the EU, we need solidarity and unanimity among member states to be strong in handling the crisis,” Prime Minister Borissov said.

It welcomed the initiative of EC President Ursula von der Leyen for a global response to the pandemic, which raised nearly € 16 billion from the first fundraising campaign in May 2020 to early August. “This is a strong and clear signal of global solidarity,” said the Bulgarian prime minister.

He also praised the adaptation of the trio holding the presidency of the Council of the EU (Germany, Portugal and Slovenia) to the challenges of the pandemic and the focus on efforts to ensure a rapid economic and social recovery that strengthens Europe’s resilience.

Borissov will participate in a strategic forum in Slovenia (VIDEO + PHOTOS)

In his speech, Prime Minister Borissov also focused the attention of leaders on the importance of the future development of the Western Balkan countries and believes that Europe must remain consistent in meeting its commitments to their inclusion. “We must continue to support the reform process in these countries. It is important for us to maintain good neighborly relations and build common regional projects that contribute to social and economic development,” said the Prime Minister.

He recalled that the joint presidency of the Berlin Process with the Republic of North Macedonia in 2020 aims to improve connectivity and the integration process in the region to achieve stability, peace and prosperity.

In his speech, Borissov also emphasized the other challenge facing Europe, Brexit, emphasizing that the top priority is to achieve the closest possible cooperation with the UK, which will ensure maximum continuity. “Whatever the outcome of the negotiations, the EU and the Member States must be prepared. It is of particular importance for Bulgaria to ensure the rights of citizens after Brexit, along with cooperation in a number of areas,” said the Bulgarian Prime Minister.

Addressing the leaders of Southeast Europe, Borissov stressed that at this crucial moment in Europe’s development, countries must stand together and demonstrate that they can tackle current challenges effectively. “We must adapt our policies and continue our work on all priorities,” added the Bulgarian prime minister.

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